• 西关培正小学-王嘉如-语文-第八单元导读课

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    • Farmer & Snake


    Farmer & Snake

     On the way home, a farmer saw something on the ground. He looked at it and found it was a snake(蛇).

     It was not dead, but it couldn't move. The snake was so cold.

     "Poor thing," the man said, "I must try to save your life."

      "He picked it up. He tried to look for a warm place to put it in.

     But how to find one in such cold weather? So he decided to put the snake inside his clothes. He made the snake right nest(巢、窝)to his heart.

     A few minutes later, the snake came back to life and began to move.

     Soon it became strong enough. So it gave the man a deadly bite.

     He killed it and went on. When he got back, he was very ill and had to lie down.

     He knew he was dying.

    • The ugly duckling


    • The ugly duckling 2


    • Song2

    • Reading1


    Keep the Change(零钱不用找了)

            I was selling secondhand books at the flea market. I got into an argument(争吵) with a customer. He wanted to buy The Pocket Book of Harrypotter. But he said it was too expensive at 35 cents. Other paperbacks were selling for ten or 15 cents each.

            I pointed out(指出) that the book was selling good. Harrypotter was a good book and it wasn’t expensive at all. He said it was a matter of principle(原则问题). Finally, I agreed to sell him the book for 15 cents. Triumphant(得意洋洋), he paid with a $10 bill. "Keep the change," he said.

    • Reading2

    Little Old Lady

    A young man was walking through a super market to pick up a few thingswhen he noticed an old lady following him. "Pardon me," she said. "I'm sorry if my staring at you has made you feel uncomfortable(不舒服). It's just that you look just like my son, who died(死) recently."

    "I'm very sorry," replied the young man "is there anything I can do for you?"

           "Yes," she said, "as I'm leaving, would you say 'Goodbye, mother?' It would make me feel so much better."

     "Sure," answered the young man.

           As the old woman was leaving, he called out, “Goodbye, Mother!" Then, as he stepped up to the checkout counter(收款台), he saw that his total was $127.00. "How can that be?" he asked. "I only bought a few things!"

           The clerk replied, "Your mother said you'd pay for(付钱) her."

    • Dialogue8

    Yang Ming and his dad are in the store. They are finding birthday present for Yang Ming’s sister Yang Jie.

    Yang Ming: Dad tomorrow is sister’s birthday. I think we can buy a walkman for her.

    Dad: Walkman? For what?

    Yang Ming: I know that sister always wants to have a walkman to listen to English.

    Dad: That’s a good idea. (To the salesman) Excuse me.

    Salesman: Yes. What can I do for you?

    Dad: I want to buy a walkman.

    Salesman: How about this one?

    Dad: It looks nice. But I don’t like the colour. Can you pass me the blue one, please?

    Salesman: Sure. Here you are.

    Dad: What about this one? Your sister loves blue.

    Yang Ming: This one is good.

    Dad: How much is it?

    Salesman: It’s ninety-five Yuan.

    Dad: Ninety-five Yuan? It is too much.


    Salesman: How much do you want for it? What about eighty-five Yuan?

    Dad: It’s ok. We will take it. Here is the money.

    Salesman: Thank you. Bye-bye.

    Dad & Yang Ming: Bye!

    • Little Red Riding Hood


    Little Red Riding Hood(小红帽节选)

     Once upon a time, there was a dear little girl. She was loved by everyone, especially(adv. 尤其) by her grandmother. Once her grandmother gave her a little red-riding hood. It suited(v. 适合) her very well, and she would never wear anything else. So she was always called little red-riding hood.  

     One day her mother said to her, “Here are a piece of cake and a bottle of wine. Take them to your grandmother. She is ill. Don’t forget to say good-morning. Don’t leave the path in the woods.”“I won’t,” said little red-riding hood, and then she left the house.

     The wolf said “good day”to little red-riding hood and talked with her. From little red-riding hood’s words, he knew she was going to see her poor sick grandmother. He saw the basket with cake and wine in her apron(n. 围裙).

     The wolf thought to himself, “What a tender(adj. 嫩的) young girl! What a nice plump(adj. 圆胖的) mouthful! She will be better to eat than the old woman. I will catch and eat them both.”

     So he walked with little red-riding hood for a while, and then he said, “See, how pretty the flowers are. Why don’t you pick some, and bring them to your grandmother?”

     “Grandmother will be pleased to see these beautiful flowers,” thought little red-riding hood. So she ran away from the path to look for flowers. She picked one. But she saw a prettier one farther on(a. 在前面) again. So she ran after it. She got deeper and deeper into the woods.  

    • Dialogue2

    At the butcher's 在肉店

    Mrs. Bird: Hello butcher!

    Butcher: Hello Mrs. Bird. Do you want any meat today?

    Mrs. Bird: Yes, please.

    Butcher: Do you want beef or lamb?

    Mrs. Bird: Beef, please. How much is the beef?

    Butcher: It is 1.8 $ a kilo.

    Mrs. Bird: Ok, I want one kilo please.

    Butcher: This lamb's very good.

    Mrs. Bird: I like lamb, but my husband doesn't. He thinks the lamb is smelly.

    Butcher: What about some steak(鱼片)?

    Mrs. Bird: Is it fresh?

    Butcher: Yes, of course. How about this piece?

    Mrs. Bird: This is a nice piece. Give me this piece, please.

    Mrs. Bird: And a pound of mince (切碎), too.

    Butcher: Do you want a chicken, Mrs. Bird? They're very nice.

    Mrs. Bird: No, thank you. My husband likes steak. But he doesn’t like chicken.

    Butcher: To tell you the truth, Mrs. Bird, I don't like chicken either!

    Mrs. Bird: Really, what’s the chance? How much are these?

    Butcher: 10$ in all.

    Mrs. Bird: Here you are. See you next time butcher, bye.

    Butcher: Goodbye.

    • Dialogue3

    Sarah: Anybody here?

    Shop-keeper: Coming, I'm coming....Hi, Sarah. What do you want today?

    Sarah: Quite a lot. I need one pound of potatoes, three pints of milk, and a dozen brown eggs, two pounds of corn, one pint of olive oil, one pound of cucumber, half a pound of mushroom, and one pound of tomatoes.

    Shop- keeper: Do you need any fruit? Our fruit is very fresh today.

    Sarah: How do you sell the lemons?

    Shop- keeper: Lemons are three for ten cents.

    Sarah: Are they juicy? I want to use them for juice.

    Shop-keeper: They are ripe and juicy, so are the watermelons.

    Sarah: No, I don't want watermelons. They're not in season yet. Just give me a dozen lemons.

    Shop- keeper: Very well. Anything else?

    Sarah: I also need a loaf of sliced bread and a pound of coffee.

    Shop- keeper: What kind of coffee? Drip or instant?

    Sarah: Give me the instant.

    Shop- keeper: All right.

    Sarah: And a bottle of catsup. Any brand will do....Can you send this order to my house this afternoon?

    Shop- keeper: Certainly!

    Sarah: Thanks. How much are these? I'll give you acheque now.

    • Dialogue4

    Gary and Jane are in the market shopping for food...

    Jane: The market is quite crowded today, isn't it? Buying food is not very fun.

    Gary: Ah, I really like marketing. I feel freely in the market.

    Jane: Anyway we have to buy some food now. There is not enough food for lunch.

    Gary: What do we need?

    Jane: En┅let me see, some rich, vegetables and a little fruit for dessert(餐后甜点).

    Gary: Oh, it seems we haven’t buy food for a long time.


    Jane: The mushrooms look nice. We can buy some for soup.

    Gary: That’s great! I like mushroom soup very much.

    Vendor: Can I help you, madam?

    Jane: Yes, How much do these mushrooms cost?

    Vendor: About 4 dollars a kilo.

    Jane: Oh, that is too expensive.

    Vendor: The price of the mushroom has risen since last weekend.

    Gary: Then we want half a kilo.

    Vendor: Ok, here you are. Do you want anything else?

    Jane: We need some peppers. My mother loves Malay food. Do you have any good ones?

    Vendor: Yes, what about these ones? They are good and cheap. Only 60 cents a kilo.

    Jane: Good, I’d like one kilo. How do these cost?

    Vendor: Let’s see. 2 dollar and 60 cents is 2.6 dollar in all.

    Jane: Ok. Thank you.

    Vendor: Here is your change.


    Gary: Harry on, Jane! We still need rice and fruit.

    Jane: Ok. I heard that the rice sells at a profit (廉价) now. Let’s go and see.


    Vendor: What can I do for you, sir?

    Gary: I need a bag of rice. How much is it?

    Vendor: Buy one get one free.

    Gary: That’s great! I want one bag.

    Vendor: Here you are.


    Jane: There are so many kinds of fruit. What should we buy?

    Gary: It’s really hard to decide.

    Vendor: What about some grapes and apples? They are very fresh.

    Jane & Gary: Fine! Gives me half a kiloeach kind.

    Vendor: Here you are.

    Jane: Here is the money, thanks.

    • 望庐山瀑布






















    • 读读背背















    huáng hè                   



    gū fān               






    lóu hāo                 












       yōu       chán       

      yuè      tán        

                jù  jì           zhōng qìng 





    sāi           lù    
      ruò lì       suō   
    xié              xū     

    • 黄果树大瀑布


      在瀑布上游和下游, 18 个雄奇险秀、风格各异的瀑布组成黄果树瀑布群,有落差高达 410 米的滴水滩瀑布,有瀑面宽达 110 米的陡坡塘瀑布,有滩面长达 350 米的螺丝滩瀑布及形态秀美的银练坠(zhuì)潭(tán)瀑布等,是天然的“瀑布博物馆”。

    • Dialogue1

    Jim: Mom, look at the pineapples. They are so nice! Can I have one, please?

    Mom: Sure!

    Saleswoman: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

    Mom: Yea. I want a pineapple. Can I have this yellow one?

    Saleswoman: Ok. Here you are.

    Jim: But I like that one.

    Mom: Which one?

    Jim: The one over there. The smaller one. It looks cute.

    Saleswoman: All right. Here you are.

    Mom: How much is it?

    Saleswoman: 1.7 Yuan a kilo. This one is 4.5 Yuan.

    Mom: We will take it. Here is the money.

    Saleswoman: Thank you. Do you want anything else?

    Mom: No, thanks. Goodbye!

    Saleswoman: Bye!

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