• 芦荻西小学-廖英华-语文-玲玲的画

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    • Dialogue4


    Jiamin: Look, Janet! What a great doctor! When I grow up I want to be a doctor like him!

    Janet: Why?Jiaming, I don’t think he looks special.

    Jiamin: Oh, Janet. What a kind doctor he is! He tries his best to help these sick babies. He spends his spare time(业余时间) to take care of these old people. All patients(病人) around him like him.

    Janet: Sounds(听上去) right. But you know, if you want to be a doctor, you must be brave enough.

    JiaminYes, I know that certainly. You know, I’m a brave boy. I like to measure temperature with thermometer(体温计), listen to heart with a stethmoscope(胸围计), give a shot with a needle. That’s exciting!

    Janet: Ok, wish your dream come true.

    • Dialogue5


    A: Would you like to go to the park this Sunday?

    B: I’d love to. But I have no time this Sunday. What about Saturday?

    A: Great! When shall we go there?

    B: what about 3 o’clock in the afternoon?

    A: No problem. Where shall we meet?

    B: What about at the gate of our school?

    A: Ok, we can bring some bread and water.

    B: Great! See you then. Bye!

    A: See you!

    • Dialogue5


    LileiOh, Jim’s house is on fire!

    Wangmin: Oh, no! Is Jim at home?

    Lilei: I don’t know. Oh, look! The firefighter is taking Jim out of his house. They save Jim’s life.

    Wangmin: Thank godness!

    Lilei: Don’t thank godness, thank the firefighter!

    Wangmin: That’s right! The fire is put out. I want to be a firefighter when I grow up.

    Lilei: Do you want to save people’s lives when they are in danger?

    Wangmin: Yes. I will go where is on fire and where people need me.

    Lilei: That’s a wonderful dream! Wish your dream come true.

    • Dialogue6


    MR LI: We’re going to have a trip next Friday.

    CLASS: Where are we going?

    MR LI: Our hometown.

    JILL: What are we going to do there?

    MR LI: Let’s discuss it. We must stay near our hometown.

    KATY: Shall we go fishing at East Lake?

    LI MU: Yeah, good idea. I like go fishing.

    JILL: I don’t like fishing. Shall we go boating on the river?

    LI YANG: Oh, maybe, do you want to climb the mountains. We can go hiking there.

    CLASS: Great!, the mountains. There are beautiful flowers there.

    MR LI: Now, let’s discuss who want to have the trip…

    LI MU: I’d love to.

    LI YANG: Me too.

    JILL: MR LI, can I bring my brother to our trip?

    MR LI: Of course you can.

    • Dialogue6


    S1Who is the girl on the right?

    S2Oh, this is Mary. I think she’s very pretty.

    S1Yes, she is.

    S2She’s one of the smartest girls in my school.

    S1What’s she like?

    S2She’s polite and kind. She’s very generous. She always shares her things with her friends.

    S1What would she like to be when she grows up?

    S2She’d like to be a teacher. She likes small children. She likes to play with children and make them happy.

    S1Who’s the boy next to Mary?

    S2Oh, it’s Peter. I think he’s very good-looking.

    S1Yes, I agree.

    S2: He’s friendly and helpful. He’d like to be a doctor when he grows up.

    • Dialogue7


    Tom: Are you free tomorrow afternoon?

    Jake: Yes.

    Tom: We will have a basketball party tomorrow afternoon in our school playground?, Would you like to join us?

    Jack: Of course, I’d love to. What time does it start?

    Tom: About 3 o’clock, Jack, our basketball is a little old, will you bring your new basketball?

    Jack: Ok, no problem!

    Tom: Great! I will buy some water and make some invitation cards.

    Jack: Invitation cards?

    Tom: Yes, we want to invite our teachers to join us.

    Jack: Oh, it sounds interesting. We would have a lot of fun.

    • Dialogue7


    Mr Zhang: Hello, Sally. Hello, Lingshi. Welcome back to school.

    Sally & Lingshi: Hello, Mr Zhang!

    Mr Zhang: I saw you at the race yesterday, Lingshi. Who were you with? I think I’ve met him before.

    LingshiThat was my Uncle Ming. He’s a reporter.

    Mr Zhang: Oh, really? My wife’s a reporter, too. Where does your uncle work?

    LingshiHe’s a business reporter on the Yangcheng Evening News.

    SallyWould you like to be a reporter, Lingshi?

    Lingshi: No, I’d like to be a doctor or a teacher.

    Mr Zhang: I wanted to be a doctor, but I like teaching. Working with young people is always interesting. Sally, what would you like to be?

    Sally: I’m good at reading and writing too,I’d like to be a reporter.

    Lingshi: You should talk to my Uncle Ming.

    Mr Zhang: Could your uncle talk to our class one day?

    LingshiI’ll ask him.

    Mr Zhang: Good, and I’ll write a note to the principal(校长).

    • Dialogue8


    TOM: Dad, today is Saturday.

    DAD: Yes, it is. What would you like to do?

    Tom: What about visiting Uncle Jack?

    Dad: Oh, it sounds great!

    TOM: There are lots of horses in Uncle Jack’s big farm. Shall we ride horses there?

    DAD: Well, Maybe.

    TOM: Hello! Uncle Jack! How are you?

    Uncle Jack: I am fine. Thank you. Welcome, Tom and Ken.

    TOM: Uncle Jack, shall we go to ride horses?

    Uncle Jack: Of course, but you must be careful.

    Tom: This is so funny! Shall we come to ride horses again tomorrow, Dad?

    DAD: sorry, Tom. You should stay at home and do my homework tomorrow.

    Tom: OK.

    • Dialogue9




    Mocky: Hi, Ken and Ann. I’m bored now, shall we go to the park?

    Ken: Sorry, we can’t. It’s going to rain.

    Ann: I have a good idea, we can go to watch a video.

    Ken: Maybe a little late. It’s 4:30 now. let’s visit Uncle Booky.

    Ann. But he always goes to the library in the afternoon.

    Ken: Really? What about going shopping now? Would you like to buy something?

    Ann. Let’s me see oh, I need some fruits.

    Ken: Ok, I want to buy some food and meet, let’s go to the supermarket now.

    Mocky: Oh, great!

    Ann. Can we go there by bus?

    Ken: Of course. And take the umbrella with you.

    • Dialogue8


    LiFeng is sleeping in the sofa.

    LiFeng: I can jump high. Oh dear! I’m the first. I got the gold medal in Beijing 2008 Olympics. I can’t believe it.

    Mother: Why are you sleeping on the floor, LiFeng?

    LiFeng: Oh, Mom. I dreamed I jumped in the Beijing 2008 Olympics and I got a gold medal.

    Mother: Ha-ha! That’s a good dream. If you want, the dream can come true.

    LiFeng: Really? Mom, do you think I’m good at jumping?

    Mother: Maybe now you are not good at jumping very much. But after you do more exercises regularly(有规律地), I believe you will be good at jumping.

    LiFeng: Oh, yes. Let’s begin now.

    • Dialogue10



    Han: Ann, are you free next Saturday morning?

    Ann: Yes. Why?

    Han: Would you like to have a picnic outside?

    Ann: Oh, good idea! I’d love to. What time shall we meet?

    Han: About 7 o’clock, ok?

    Ann: Ok, where shall we meet?

    Han: At the gate of our school. And don’t forget to bring some food and drink.

    Ann: No problem. And can I bring two friends, Tom and Jerry?

    Han: Of course! I want to invite them too. And we plan to go there by bike.

    Ann: ok! See you then.

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