• 三下U12 Whose rabbits are these?.doc(坑口 谭少文)

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    • Dialogue4

    A: Hi, Lucy! This is Jim here.

    B: Hi, Jim.

    A: I’ll hold a party on Thanksgiving Day. I want to invite you to the party. I have sent you a card.

    B: Yeah, I have received the card. I’m very glad to come to.

    A: That’s well. See you that day.

    B: See you.

    • Dialogue5

    A: Happy Thanksgiving Day!

    B: The same to you!

    A: Are you doing anything special?

    B: We're having some friends over. What are you doing?

    A: Oh, I'm just going to take it easy.

    B: Why don’t you go with us? That would be fine.

    A: Really? I’d like to.

    B: Good! Please come with me.

    A: OK!

    • Dialogue7



    Mary calls John, asking him to give a message to her parents.


    M: Hello, Uncle John, this is Mary.

    J: Mary, what a surprise! How are you doing in China?

    M: Very well!

    J: Did you go to the Great Wall?

    M: Yes, I did, it’s wonderful. I like it very much.

    J: Great! What were you doing when President Bush came to China?

    M: I was just at Tiananmen Square, but I didn’t see him.

    J: What a pity!

    M: Oh, I tried to call my Mom and Dad,, but the line was always busy.

    J: OK. I can take a message for you.

    M: So kind of you, Uncle John. Please tell my parents I will return to New York next Saturday.

    J: Ok, No problem!

    M: Thanks a lot!

    J: You’re welcome.



    • 标签:
    • janet
    • rabbits
    • 运用
    • 三下
    • 句型
    • whose
    • 学习
    • 学生
    • 单词
    • are
    • children
    • u12
    • 目标
    • t.
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