• 坑口小学-何燕冰-英语-改变教学观念,创造多彩课堂

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    • Dialogue5


    Amy: Hello,Tom! 
    Tom: Hi, Amy.
    Amy: Oh, who’s this?
    Tom: This is my friend Jim. Jim, this is my classmate, Amy.
    Jim: Hi, Amy, nice to meet you.
    Amy: Hi, Jim, nice to meet you too! 
    Tom: Amy, where are you going?
    Amy: I’m going to the Beihai Park.
    Jim: Really? We’re going to the Beihai Park, too. Let’s go together.
    Amy: It’s great! We can go boating and fly kites there.
    Tom: It’s interesting. Let’s go by bus.
    Amy: there are so many cars on the street now and we better go by subway.
    Tom: Ok.

    • Dialogue6


    Amy: Hello,jack! 
    Jack: Hi, Amy.
    Amy: Have you been to the Temple Fair.
    Jack: No, I haven’t.
    Amy: I am just back from here. There are many interesting things and delicious food. I like the ice-sugar gourd(冰糖葫芦)
    Jack: It sounds great. I will go right now.

    • 东方之珠

    • Dialogue10

    In the study

    Mocky: What’s this?

    Ann: It's a television.

    Mocky: Whose television is this?

    Ann: It is Aunt Mike's .

    Mocky: Oh, look here. Is this a television too?

    Ann: No, it's a computer. It looks like the television.

    Mocky: Whose computer is this?

    Ann: It is Uncle Mike's computer.

    • 标签:
    • 教学
    • 何燕
    • 跨越式
    • 英语
    • 学习
    • 学生
    • 改变
    • 概念图
    • 尝试
    • 总结
    • 坑口
    • 教学观念
    • 小学
    • 教学方法
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