• 23中学-陈超-语文-《春》教学课件

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    Which season is the coldest?
    Winter is the coldest season.

    Which season is the wettest?
    Spring is the wettest season.

    Which season is the driest?
    Winter is the driest season.

    What is the biggest lake near your city?
    Xili Lake is the biggest lake near our city.

    What is the oldest temple in your city?
    Hongfa Temple is the oldest temple in our city.

    What is the highest mountain in the world?
    Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world.

    What is the biggest city in China?
    Chongqing is the biggest city in China.

    Is the Changjiang River longer than the Yellow River?
    Yes, the Changjiang River is longer than the Yellow River.

    Is China bigger than the USA?
    Yes, China is bigger than the USA. 

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