• 龙津小学-李彤-语文-我要的是葫芦

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    • Dialogue7

    Bob: Hi, Jack! How are you doing? 
    Jack: Hi, Bob! I'm doing great. How are you doing? 
    Bob: I'm OK. I've just had a great activity weekend(运动周末). What did you do at the weekend? 
    Jack: I went to play table tennis with my classmates(同学). 
    Bob: Oh! That sounds good! I like sports a lot. What sports do you like? 
    Jack: I like table tennis, basketball, dancing and so on. 
    Bob: I like water sports. There's a big lake(湖) near here with a camp site. Do you ever go camping(露营)? 
    Jack: Once in a while occasionally(偶尔). I'm afraid of the sunshine(阳光). 
    Bob: Hmmm. Anyway, on the first day we went in canoes(独木舟) on the river. It was great! 
    Jack: That sounds interesting and exiting. 
    Bob: We also went swimming. I saw some fantastic(稀奇古怪的) fish. Where do you go swimming? 
    Jack: Workers' Gym(工人体育馆), where the water is not so fresh(新鲜). 
    Bob: Oh, would you like to come with me next time? Would that be possible? 
    Jack: Yes, I'd love to. Please contact me if you are free. 
    Bob: Right. I've to go now. We can talk about it later, then. Bye!

    • Reading7


    Do you often play football? Many people in the world like playing football. They often name British soccer football. But they are different games. Do you know the difference between them? A soccer ball is round, but an American football is not round, like an egg. Soccer teams have eleven players on the field. American football teams have forty players, but only eleven players are on the field at one time.

    In a soccer team, the goalkeeper (守门员) is the only player to stop and pick up the ball with his hands. In American football, all the players can catch the ball with their hands. They can run with it and throw it to other players.

    Question: How many people are there in a American football?

    • Reading5

    (1) In America, which side did the traffic move? 
    (2)When you cross street, what should you do? 
    (3)Whythe streets become very busy in the morning and in the evening?

    The Traffic in America

    When you are in America , you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic drives on the left. Before you cross a street, you must look to the right first and then the evening when people go to or come home from work, the streets are very busy. Traffic is most dangerous then.

    When you go by bus in America , you have to be careful, too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.

    In many cities of America , there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city very well. It's very interesting.

    • Dialogue8

    A: How about going to the movies tonight then?

    B: That sounds good.

    A: Which one do you prefer(更喜欢), the Chinese picture(国产片) or the foreign picture(进口片)?

    B: I prefer the latter(后者).What about you?

    A: Both.

    B: Do you know what’s on at the TianHe Theater tonight?

    A: I don’t know. Let’s look in the newspaper. Oh, I see, it’s Forget Me Not(勿忘我,电影名).

    B: People speak highly of it.

    A: Yes, the critics(评论) in Times(泰晤士报,一份英国著名的报纸) said it was rather light and colorful and entertaining(主题轻松、内容丰富、情节吸引人).

    B: It’ll begin at 8:30. We must hurry up.

    (Enter the theater)

    A: How cool it is in here!

    B: Yes, it’s air-conditioned(有空调).

    A: Now, it’s going on, you see, the scenery is so beautiful!

    B: Do you like the actor?

    A: I like most of his playing.

    B: It’s all over now. How did you like the film?

    A: It’s really interesting. I enjoyed it very much.


    • Reading6

    (1)Do the writer have friends in the new city?
    (2)Does the life in the new city the same as NewYork? 
    (3)Do the writer like living in the new city?

    My new city

    Last year, my family moved from New York to Miami . I liked it here in Miami , but I also liked New York .

    Moving to a new city is good. You can meet new people and different things. But leaving your old city is difficult. You have to say good-bye to your friends and favorite places.

    In Miami , I have two new friends. They are Maria and Nicole. We have lots of fun together. In New York , I used to have a best friend. Her name was Tina. I miss Tina a lot.

    In Miami , I live in a big new house. In New York , I used to live in a small apartment. In Miami , I have my own room. It‘s great! In New York , I used to share a room with my sister. Sometimes, I miss sharing a room with my sister. We used to stay up late talking and laughing.

    In Miami , I can go swimming everyday. There is a beach near my house. I love swimming. In New York , I used to play in the park everyday. There was a huge park beside my house. I miss playing there.

    In Miami , I go to Oceanside Elementary School . The school is painted with bright colors, and the teachers are very kind. It is an exciting school. In New York , I used to go to Parkview Elementary School . It was covered with green ivy and had many trees. The teachers are very kind there, too. I miss Parkview Elementary School.

    In Miami , it never gets cold, so I can play summer sports even in December. I never have to wear a coat or mittens. I love swimming in the winter. In New York , it is very cold in the winter, so I used to go snow sledding in the park. I used to have to wear heavy clothes. I miss the winter fun in New York .

    In New York , I used to live with my mum, dad, and older sister. We all moved to Miami . We still live together. We still have a wonderful family. Well, I guess something stay the same.

    • Dialogue9
    1.What are you reading?
    I'm reading adout hiking.
    2.Do you like hiking?
    Yes,I love hiking.
    3.How often do you go hiking?
    I go hiking twice a month.
    4.I like ice-skating.I often go ice-skating.
    How often do you go ice-skating?
    5.I go ice-skating about three times a month.
    Wow!You must be good at ice-skating!
    6.Not really.I go to see the doctor adout twice a month.

    • Reading7

    (1)How old can the children go to school? 
    (2)What benefits are brought by education costs?

    Education costs bring benefits

    The number of schools in the city has increased from 536 to 1,117 last year while student numbers have risen, ( rise 上升) too.

    Three of the city's six districts (地区) have been ranked (列为) among the top educational institutions ( 公共机构 ) in Guangdong Province.

    The five years from 1997 to last year saw rapid (迅速的) growth in the educational sector (部门) spent to bring Shenzhen into the nation's top list in terms of educational facilities (设备) and environment (环境) .

    From the year 2000, the city has allowed schools to admit (允许) children at six years old. It also set up eight international schools for children of foreigners and people from Hong Kong and Taiwanese living in the city.

    • Dialogue10

    A: Hi, Ben, would you like to go to the zoo with me on Saturday morning?

    B:I am sorry I can’t. I’ve got a piano lesson. I always have a piano lesson every Saturday. Miss Li will teach me.

    A: Do you like playing the piano?

    B: No, I don’t like it very much. Miss Li is always angry with me.

    A: So would you like to go to the zoo in the afternoon?

    B: yes, I love to. That’s great. Thank you , Janet.


    • 埃 菲 尔 铁 塔



                    āi fēi ěr tiě tǎ 

                    埃  菲 尔  铁 塔
          āi fēi ěr tiě tǎ wèi yú bā lí shì zhōng xīn de xī qū ,

          埃  菲 尔  铁 塔 位  于 巴  黎 市  中    心 的 西 区,
    lín sāi nà hé de zuǒ àn 。tiě tǎ jiàn chéng yú 1889

    临  塞  纳 河 的  左  岸。 铁 塔  建   成    于1889
    nián ,shǐ wéi le qìng zhù fǎ guó dà gé mìng 100zhōu nián 

    年,    使  为 了  庆   祝 法  国 大 革  命   100 周  年
    hé yíng jiē bā lí shì jiè bó lǎn huì ér jiàn lì 。āi 

    和  迎  接  巴  黎 世  界 博  览  会 而  建  立。 埃
    fēi ěr tiě tǎ fèn wéi sān céng ,cóng tǎ zuò dào tǎ dǐng 

    菲  尔  铁  塔 分 为   三    层,  从 塔 座   到 塔  顶
    gòng yǒu 1711jí jiē tī ,fèn bié zài lí dì miàn 57

     共  有  1711级  阶 梯,  分  别  在 离 地  面 57
    mǐ 、115mǐ 、hé 276mǐ chù jiàn yǒu píng tái 。

    米、 115米、  和276米  处  建   有   平  台。
    jù shuō ,gāi tǎ gòng yǒu qù gāng tiě 7000dūn ,

    据  说,   该  塔 共  有  去  钢   铁  7000吨,
    12000gè jīn shǔ bù jiàn ,250wàn zhī mǎo dìng 

    12000个  金 属  部   件,  250万 只  铆 钉
    ér xiàng lián qǐ lái 。

    而  相     连 起 来。
          1889nián 5yuè 15rì ,wéi gěi shì jiè bó lǎn huì 

          1889 年  5月  15 日, 为 给  世  界  博  览  会
    kāi mù shì jiǎn cǎi tiě tǎ de shè jì shī jū sī tǎ 

    开  幕  式  剪  彩  铁  塔 的  设 计  师 居 斯 塔
    fū  *āi fēi ěr qīn shǒu jiāng fǎ guó guó qí shēng shàng 

    夫 *埃菲尔亲手将法国国旗升上
    tiě tǎ de 300mǐ gāo kōng ,yóu cǐ ,rén men 

     铁 塔 的3 00米  高   空,  由  此,人   们
    wéi le jì niàn tā duì fǎ guó hé bā lí de zhè 

     为 了 纪  念  他 对  法  国 和 巴 黎 的 这
    yī gòng xiàn ,tè bié hái zài tǎ xià wéi tā sù 

    一  贡   献,   特 别 还  在  塔  下  为  他 塑
    zào le bàn shēn tóng xiàng 。

    造  了  半  身    铜   像。
           zhí dào 2004nián 1yuè 16rì ,wéi shēn bàn 

           直  到   2004年  1月  16日,   为  申  办
    2012nián xià jì ào yùn huì ,fǎ guó bā lí 

    2012年   夏  季 奥  运  会, 法 国  巴 黎
    shì zhèng fǔ tè yì zài āi fēi ěr tiě tǎ shàng jiè 

    市   政   府  特 意 在 埃  菲 尔  铁 塔   上   介
    shào le qí wéi shēn ào suǒ zuò chū de zhǔn bèi 

     绍  了 其 为  申   奥 所  做  出   的 准  备
    qíng kuàng ,ér āi fēi ěr tiě tǎ gèng chéng wéi 

      情   况,  而 埃  菲 尔  铁  塔 更   成  为
    fǎ guó shēn ào de “tiān rán guǎng gào ”。

    法 国   申  奥 的“  天   然   广   告”。


    • Reading8

    (1)Was life long ago the same as it is now? 

    Long ago and Now

    Long ago, people sent someone else to deliver letters far away. Now, we send e-mails through our computers.

    Long ago, people used candles to see at night. Now, we turn on the lights with a switch.

    Long ago, people brought water into their home with buckets. Now, we get water from faucets on our sinks.

    Long ago, people cooked over a fire to make their meals. Now we cooked on a stove.

    Long ago, people used straw brooms to sweep dirt off the floors. Now, we use vacuums to clean dirt out of the carpets.

    Long ago, people washed clothes by hand. Now, we use a washing machine.

    Long ago, people drew pictures by hand. Now, we use a camera to take pictures.

    Life long ago was different than it is now.

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