• 龙津小学-黎凤华-数学-百分数的意义和读写法

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    • What do you have

    • Dialogue4


    Zhang: Let's go to the McDonald's. I treat.
    Cheng:Really. That's wonderful!
    Waiter: Yes, sir. What will it be for you?(what would you like?)
    Cheng:A hamburger, French fries and a glass of Coke.
    Zhang: An apple pie, salad, an ice-cream.
    Waiter:Is this to go or to eat here?
    Zhang: We'll eat here.
    Waiter: That's thirty eight dollars. Here you are.


    • Practice4
    Key points:
    1.1.What can you see in the picture?
    2. Where is the girl?
    3. What is she wearing?
    4. What is she doing?
    5. Is she right?
    6. What should she do?
    7. What should we do?
    • Reading3


    1 Where was the writer in his dream?

    2 What did he do when he found a nest of eggs?

    3 Who helped the writer in the dream?

     A Dream of Dinosaur

    Last night, I had a bad dream.

    was in a forest(森林). There was a nest(鸟巢) on the ground with large eggs in it. There were about 20 of them. I picked up one.

    Just then, someone walked near me. I turned round and looked. There was an angry(愤怒的) mother dinosaur behind me! She had a big head and sharp teeth. She had sharp claws(爪子) and strong legs, too. She lived there. The eggs were hers.

    put down the egg carefully, turned away from her and... RAN! I ran fast but the mother dinosaur ran faster than me. She jumped on me. She wanted to eat me. I closedmy eyes. I was frightened(害怕). Then there was a sound(声音)...

    Did I die? I opened my eyes slowly. A friendly dinosaur saved(抢救,救命) me. It had large wings. I climbed on its back and we flew away(飞走了).

    • Dialogue3

    • What do you have?

    • Dialogue3

    Tom: What's under the desk?

    Lily: Let me go and see. Ah, it's a pen. It's new.

    Tom: Yes, it's a nice pen. Whose is it?

    Lily: Hi, Mary, is this pen yours?

    Mary: Oh, yes, it is.

    Lily: Here you are.

    Mary: Thank you very much.

    Whose pen is this?


    • Dialogue5

    Shan: Hi, Linda, it’s time for lunch, let’s go to the dinning hall, I treat.
    Shan: what do you like to eat?.
    Qi:let me see, the fried chicken cubes with chilli sounds nice.
    Shan: Yes, but a little hot. How about the crisp chicken?
    Qi: That sounds nice. 
    Shan: What vegetables do you like?
    Qi: Salt Green Tender is not bad.


    cold assorted meat--冷拚盘;cold dishes--冷盘;pork steak--猪排;lamb chop--羊排;
    poached eggs--荷包蛋;preserved eggs--松花蛋;roast duck--烤鸭;crisp chicken--香酥鸡;
    sweet and sour pork--糖醋肉;consomme--清汤; 玫瑰红豆沙Red Bean Soup; 上汤水饺Dumpling Soup

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