• 龙津小学-李彤-语文-画

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    • Dialogue1
     the Biggest Dinosaur

    Tom: Good morning, David. What are you doing?

    David: Good morning, Tom. I'm reading a book about dinosaurs.

    Tom: Woo, I'm very interested in it. Let's read together.

    David: Okey.

    Tom: Do you know what was the biggest dinosaur?

    David: Sorry, I don't know.

    Tom: The biggest dinosaurs were sauropods; they were gigantic, slow moving, tiny head, cow like plant-eaters from the late Jurassic period and the early Cretaceous period.

    David: Oh, I see. What about their necks?

    Tom: They had very long necks which were useful for reaching wide (and tall) swatches of vegetation.

    David: That's very interesting!

    Tom: Yes, I have another book about Dinosaur. Shall we change it to read?

    David: Sure.


    • Game3

    • Reading1

    (1) What should we do in the school?
    (2) Please relate these school rules.
    (3) What is your school rules? Can you list more?


    School rules

    1 Be polite.
    2 Throw rubbish in the bin.
    3 Walk in the corridors
    4 Be quiet in the classroom.
    5. Be quiet in the corridors.

    • Practice1

    Try to make a dialogue:

    1. Whose roller skates are there?
    They're my/his/her/our...

    2. Is this your/her/his bike?
    Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.

    • Game4

    • Dialogue5




    A: Do you like that skirt?
    B: Oh, no, it’s blue, but I like red.
    A: Look, do you like that red skirt?
    B: Yes, I like it very much.


    A: Do you like that skirt?
    B: Oh, no, it’s blue, but I like red.
    A: Look, do you like that red skirt?
    B: Yes, I like it very much.

    • Game5

    • Rhythm8

    • Rhythm3


    • Practice2

    Talk about the picture:

    keypoints :

    Whose … is this? It's … 's ….

    Is this your …? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

    Do you like…?

    What's your favorite toy/sports/game?
    • Practice1

    • Reading2

    (1) Please relate the rules for school parties.
    (2) Can you guess where the party will be held?

    Year Party’s rules

    I want you to remember the rules for school parties.

    1. Don't wear jeans! If you wear jeans, we won't let you in.

    2. Don't bring food to the party. If you do, the teachers will take it away.

    3. Don't bring friends from other schools. If you do, the teachers will ask them to leave.

    4. Don't leave the gym during the party. If you do, the teachers will call your parents.

    5. Don't run or shout at the party. If you do, you'll have to leave.
    • Practice2

    • Dialogue6


    A: What color is spring? 
    B: It’s green, is summer blue? 
    A: No, it’s red. 
    B: Autumn is yellow, isn’t it? 
    A: Yes, it is. What color is winter?
    B: It’s white.

    • Practice3

    • Word1


      One o'clock Two o'clock Three o'clock
    It's one o'clock It's two o'clock It's three o'clock
    Four o'clock Five o'clock Six o'clock
    It's four o'clock It's five o'clock It's six o'clock
      One o'clock   Two o'clock   Three o'clock
      It's one o'clock   It's two o'clock   It's three o'clock
      Four o'clock   Five o'clock   Six o'clock
      It's four o'clock   It's five o'clock   It's six o'clock
    • 标签:
    • 谜语
    • 教学
    • 学习
    • 学生
    • 生字
    • 课文
    • 偏旁
    • 朗读
    • 课时
    • 指导
    • 语文
    • 小学
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