• 《女娲补天》+《夸父追日》精+略第一课时教学设计—龙津小学—邝淑贞—语文

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    • Dialogue5

    • Reading9
    Bear and Roly-Poly  
    One day, Nora said to Bear, “I'm going over to Grandma's house. She is giving us a present.” 
    “Goody, goody, goody,” said Bear “What is it?” 
    “A new baby sister,” said Nora. 
    “A baby sister!” Bear cried. 
    “Yes,” said Nora. 
    She gave Bear a big fat hug and an extra swueeze. 
    Bear was very happy to have a baby sister. All afternoon, Bear practiced being a big brother.
    Finally Nora came home. she carried the new baby right into Bear's room. Bear stared. Nobody said anything for a minute. 
    Than Nora said, “ Bear this is Panda, your baby sister. She comes from China. ” 
    “She si not a baby,” cried Bear. “She's almost as big as you. And she's not brown like me.” 
    “Babies come in all colors and sizes, she can climb trees and eats bamboo when she growns up.” said Nora. 
    Panda opened her eyes and looked at Bear. “Hello,” said Bear. “I'm your big brother.” Panda opened her mouth and began to cry. Nora lifred he baby off Bear's lap and rocked her.
    “She doesn't like me,” Bear said. 
    “She's going to love you,” said Nora. 
    “Everything is new and strange to her right now.” 
    So Bear helped make Pandy's bed. Then he poured milk into her bottle, and heated it up. He put the bottle in the baby's mouth. Panda sucked and sucked.
    A few days later, Nora had to go out. As soo as Nora left, Panda started to cry. Bear tried to feed her, but she wasn't hungry. Bear tried to burp her, but she didn't need to be burped. Panda just went right on crying. 
    “Maybe she likes listenning songs. I could sing to her.” So bear opened his mouth and sang a song about three bears in the bathtub. He sang very loud. Panda stopped crying for a moment. “I think it's working, ”Bear whispered. So Bear sang his song again. Panda smiled a big smile, and she began to swuirm.
    Bear tickled Panda on the tummy, and his baby sister laughted. Bear told panda a story, and she listened. Than he gave her a bath. After the bath, he wanted to tuck her into bed and sing her to sleep. Suddenly, Nora came into the room. “How did you get her to sleep?” Nora whispered. “I sang to her. And she liked it.” Bear said. “Panda's lucky to have an older brother like you,” said Nora. 
    Then Bear pushed his bed next to Panda's, so he could take care of her when she wakes up. He leaned over and gave his baby sister a tiny kiss. “Good night,” he whispered and closed his eyes.
    • Dialogue6


         A:This is Amy’s skirt.That’s Lucy’s skirt.
           The skirts are theirs.

         B:What colour are they?

         A:They’re purple and green.


    • Reading10
    Corduroy's Easter( 万圣节 ) party 
    It was the day before Easter, and Corduroy and his friend were very happy, because tomorrow they were having an Easter party! The party was going to be at Corduroy's house. Mouse made a list of all the things they need. 
    “There are many kinds of fruit and vegetables in my fridge, what else do we need?” asked Corduroy. ”Do you think the Easter Bunny likes jellybeans( 豆腐软糖的一种 ) ? ”Mouse said. “Don't foret to put down eggs,” Dolly said. “We need lots to decorate( 装饰 ) for the Easter Bunny.” Everyone else had no doubt theat the Easter Bunny was real. But deep down, Corduroy wasn't so sure. After all, nobody had ever seen the Easter Bunny. Still, Corduroy didn't want to spoil the fun. He kept his doubts to himself.
    By the time they were ready to go shopping, it was raining outside. So the friends put on their raincoats and their boots, and they brought their unbrellas. 
    There are many tall buildings and is a big store in the city. So they went there and bought everything they needed to dye Easter eggs. In a little while, the rain ended and the sun came out. So the friends walked to the farm. The were having so much fun petting and saying hello to the animals that they almost forgot to buy eggs for decorating! 
    On their road leads to home, the friends passed a meadow filled with flowers. There were daffodls and tulips and daisles. So they all picked little flower to use as decorations for the party. 
    Puppy was very thirsty from all the walking. So when he saw that there was a river nearby, so he went through the bridge and had a little drink. There is a bird on the tree and a frog sit near river. They were happy for the Easter Party too. Corduroy was, too. He wanted to believe in the Easter Bunny just like everybody else. But how could he know for sure? 

    Back at the house, nobody could wait to start decorating eggs. They made pink ones, blue ones with spots( 点 ) and stripes (纹) and swirls (螺旋) .corduroy gatherd up all the eggs and put them in a basket.

    • Reading11

    • Reading12

    • Reading13

    • Reading14

    • Reading15

    • Dialogue7






    • Practice1
    • Rhythm7

    • 标签:
    • 神话故事
    • 熄灭
    • 课时
    • 教学设计
    • 夸父追日
    • 人类
    • 女娲补天
    • 学习
    • 学生
    • 女娲
    • 生字
    • 课文
    • 第一
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