• 龙津小学-邹洁雯除数是整十数的除法

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    • Word2


    Make a left at the corner.


    Turn right at the end of the street.


    The post office is opposite to the station.


    I will come between twelve and one o'clock.


    A square has four corners.


    His room is along this passage.

    on the left  

    Look at the image on the left.

    on the right  

    The sports car passed on the right.
    • song 2

    mariah carey 

    there's a hero
    if you look inside your heart
    you don't have to be afraid
    of what you are
    there's an answer
    if you reach into your soul
    and the sorrow that you know
    will melt away
    and then a hero comes along
    with the strength to carry on
    and you cast your fears aside
    and you know you can survive
    so when you feel like hope is gone
    look inside you and be strong
    and you'll finally see the truth
    that a hero lies in you
    it's a long road
    when you face the world alone
    no one reaches out a hand
    for you to hold
    you can find love
    if you search within yourself
    and the emptiness you felt
    will disappear
    and then a hero comes along
    with the strength to carry on
    and you cast your fears aside
    and you know you can survive
    so when you feel like hope is gone
    look inside you and be strong
    and you'll finally see the truth
    that a hero lies in you
    lord knows
    dreams are hard to follow
    but don't let anyone
    tear them away
    there will be tomorrow
    in time
    you'll find the way
    and then a hero comes along
    with the strength to carry on
    and you cast your fears aside
    and you know you can survive
    so when you feel like hope is gone
    look inside you and be strong
    and you'll finally see the truth
    that a hero lies in you
    that a hero lies in you
    that a hero lies in you
    • Key4


    Result for exam 4

    1、D   2、D   3、B    4、D   5、A
    6、C   7、A   8、C    9、B   10、 C



    • Reading2

    Reading 2


    This is my desk. On the desk, there are many things, my pencil, my pen, my ruler, my eraser, my exercise books, and my books. What's this, a red backpack? It is not my backpack, my backpack is blue . Judy, is this your backpack? Oh, it isn't your backpack? Then whose it is?Is it Lily's backpack?Her backpack is red. Maybe I should go and ask her.

    • Exam3





           Thank you for your letter and your invitation. I really hope I can with you, but I have to say 2 to you. I’m too  3  next week!
      On Monday, I’d like to see the doctor. There is  4  wrong with my  5  , I can’t see people or things a little far  6  me clearly(清楚地). Maybe I should  7  a pair of glasses. On Tuesday, I have football training. You know, I’m on the football team of our school. We’ll have an English test on Friday morning,  8  on Wednesday and Thursday, I have to stay at home and study hard. On Friday afternoon, I’m going to a  9  . My favorite star Michael Jackson will come. I like his music very much.
      Have a good time! And please call me after you come  10  from the camping.
      1. A. go camping B. go shopping C. go to Hong Kong D. go to the US
      2. A. hello      B. thanks     C. sorry           D. good-bye
      3. A. sad       B. free        C. quick          D. busy
      4. A. nothing    B. everything C. anything D. something
      5. A. hands     B. eyes      C. ears    D. feet
      6. A. from      B. to        C. of      D. with
      7. A. decide     B. wear     C. take     D. try
      8. A. but        B. although   C. because D. so
      9. A. supermarket B. concert C. bank D. hospital
      10. A. down     B. up     C. back D. in



    • Reading4

    Reading 4


    In the evening , I found a book in the classroom of Class 2, Grade 7.

        The book can be generally (总体地) described (形容) as follows (如下) : It is not very thick (厚). Maybe 120 pages (页) , it is red ,its name is "Happy world " .

        Is this your book?If the answer is “Yes”, you can call me now. My room phone number and mobile (移动的) phone number are (010) 62043340 and 13801106414. Please call me as soon as you can.



    • Dialogue3


    Dialogue 3


    A: We are going to World Park for our class spring trip. I’ll go there by taxi. How about you guys?
    B: I’ll just walk there since it’s not far from my house.
    C: I’ll ride my bike. I like riding.
    D: I’ll go by bus with Aand F.

    • Reading5


    Reading 5


    When we want to go to a place which is not far from our house, we'll usually go on foot leisurely. But if we are in a hurry, we can ride bike or take a taxi. As for the long-distance trip, like trips between different cities inside a country, we need to take a train or take a plane. When we goes abroad, especially on trips across the ocean, we have to take a plane. It's expensive but the absolutely the fastest way.

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    • 方法
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    • 算法
    • 学生
    • 除法
    • 小学
    • 笔算
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    • 除数
    • 知识
    • 口算
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