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    Astronaut Loses Camera in Space !


    • Reading4


       I have a big family .There are seven members in my family. We are very happy in our family. There are grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, my uncle, my aunt and me.

         Both my grandfather and grandmother had retired. They live a very comfortable life now. They are very healthy.

        My mother works in a hospital. She is a doctor. She is tall with a small nose, small eyes. She can ride a horse.

         My father works in an company . He is an officer. He is tall and has a big nose ,big eyes and a wide mouth. He can swim. And he often bring me to have a swim.

         My uncle is a policeman, he is very strong. He can play football .I like him very much. My aunt is a student, she studies in a famous university. She can speak many foreign languages.

         I'm a student. I am in Ninghua chengdou High School. I can speak English very well.

         We are very happy .We love our family.

    • Reading4
    A:Do you know which movie is popular recently? 
    A:Yes,you are clever.
    B:Of course. I am interested in the movies. Last week, I watched it,
    B:I watched it 2 weeks ago. I was touched by it. 
    A:So am I. I even really think Armageddon is coming. It is a good movie. Do you like disaster film?
    B:Yes. I think it is exciting and can give us some thought.
    • Reading4

    Reading 4

    People who live in Paris feel very happy, here is their day life.
    They often get up at 7:00 in the morning. Then they spend twenty minutes putting on their clothes, washing their face and brushing their teeth. It takes them ten minutes to have breakfast. They go to work at 8:00. They have lunch and supper at work. They always take a walk after work. They like playing tennis very much, so they often play tennis. At 22:00,they go to bed and sleep.
    说明: http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRD8sacRFk0vUw3ZCrMV1dZI6rWhU_WGSm7frk78wmWoKi8DSiFHvL6Bttd3A
    说明: http://t2.baidu.com/it/u=113150686,1977766419&fm=0&gp=0.jpg说明: http://t3.baidu.com/it/u=2635704540,3320011203&fm=0&gp=0.jpg

    • 标签:
    • 龙溪
    • 计算
    • 平行四边形
    • 荔湾区
    • 计算公式
    • 方法
    • 学生
    • 同学们
    • 长方形
    • 发现
    • 桂东
    • 数学
    • 转化
    • 小学
    • 面积
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