• unit 2 Pet corner(B) 教学设计 (大磡小学 徐菁菁)

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    • Unit2 pet corner(B) 教学反思 大磡小学 徐菁菁.docx内容

    Book 6 Unit 2 Pet cornerB)教学设计

    大磡小学 徐菁菁


    Pet cornerPrimary English for China第六册第二课的教学内容。主要有句型This is our … This is its food. Does it eat…? No, it doesn’t. It eats … Does it drink …? Yes, it does.等。


    • 知识目标:

    能听懂,会读会说句型,Does it eat…? No, it doesn’t. It eats … Does it drink …? Yes, it does.等。

    • 能力目标:

    1)学会用句型Does it eat…? No, it doesn’t. It eats … Does it drink …? Yes, it does.等。


    • 情感目标:

    1. 让学生学会与同学合作和沟通。

    2. 通过多种形式的活动激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助他们树立自信心。

    3. 教育学生在学习过程中注意并理解他人情感。



    对句型Does it eat…? No, it doesn’t. It eats … Does it drink …? Yes, it does.等的理解和掌握。

    能运用句型it eats… it drinks…描述宠物。


    It can…It can’t…用法。









    Step One--Talking

    1. Greeting.(T—S)

    2. Sing a song about “pet”.

    3. T: What pets can you see from the song?

    S: I can see a…

    1. Free talk. Look at this picture and make a dialogue.

    Step Two--Teaching

    1. T: Today, Pat and Koko want to go to pet corner. Do you want to go with them?

    S: Yes.

    1. Listen to the CD twice and fill in the blanks.

    T: what is the pet?

    S: a rabbit.

    T: Does it eat fish?

    S: No, it doesn’t. It eats carrots.

    T: Does it drink water?

    S: Yes, it does.

    1. Look at picture and make dialogues.

    2. Show your dialogues.

    3. Read dialogue3&4

    Step Three – Training

    1. T: I have some riddles. Can you guess them?

    2. T: Can you make a riddle?

    Choose one of them and make a riddle.

    1. Come into reading1&2.(7mins)

    2. Choose one of pets and describe it.

    Eg: I like my fish. It’s red and black. It’s small. It has big eyes. It can swim. It eats fish food. It drinks water.

    Step Four--Homework:

    Draw your pet corner and introduce them to your father and mother.


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    • 标签:
    • does.
    • 教学设计
    • 句型
    • drink
    • unit
    • 学生
    • corner
    • eats
    • 课堂
    • eat
    • t.
    • step
    • 小学
    • pet
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