• 丰宁凤山白新蕊PEP4 Unit 2 Part B Read and write

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    Unit2 What Time Is It

    PartB Read and write


    Step1Warm up

    Chant“Let’s chant” together for twice. At the same timeclap hands.


    Showthe students a clock, lead them to review what they learned lastlesson in page 20 “let’s talk” Ask some students toread the dialogue to review the sentence structure.


    Showthe students three questions. Ask them to answer it after thecartoon. Then play the cartoon. After the cartoon, ask some studentsto answer the questions.

    Letthe students look at the cartoon again and try to read after it.

    Givethe students some minutes to read themselves. Then ask some pairs toread it. This time, let a girl to be Zip, read with the cartoon. Thenask a boy to be Zoom, read with the cartoon. The last time, let theboys be zoom, let the girls be Zip.

    Step4 Practice

    Showthe students the word cards, lead them to say the spelling andmeaning of the words. Then put the words on the board.

    Playa game

    First,turn around the cards, change the place of the word cards. Let thestudents guess where the word is, at the same time say the spellingout. Ask four students to play this game.

    Afterthis game, lead the students to read from slow to quick.

    Lookat the PPT, It’s a train. Let the students put the wordsaccording to the pictures, ask some students to do this.

    Letthe students look at the sentence in page 21.Ask the students to readfor twice. Then let them close their books quickly. Look at the cardson the board. Ask the students to put them in the right order. Thenlead the students to read for twice.

    Step5 Consolidation and extension

    Lookat the PPT, ask the students to practice like the example. Give thestudents some minutes. Then ask some pairs to practice.

    Lookat the PPT. Ask some students to fill in the blanks. Then ask them toread freely.

    Showthe students the cartoon “Story time”. Ask the studentsto practice in pairs, then ask some pairs to have a show about thestory.

    Lookat the PPT to review what are learned this lesson. Let the studentsto read.

    Atlast, tell the students how to express the numbers in English.

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    • read
    • ask
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    • pairs
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