• PEP Book 6 Unit 2My favourite season B

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    Step 1   Warming up

       Let’s Chant

          Spring is green with flowers and song



    Step 2  Revision

      教师引导语:Do you like cartoons ? Now ,let’s watch it and listen what are they talking about ?

      Then show the Key points and practice in pairs .

    【设计意图】:通过观看动画可以引起学生的兴趣,同时做到了对旧知的复习,通过Key Points展示重点句型,做到了复习

    Step 3 Presentation and practice

    1、Read and write

    教师引导语: Do you want to know Zip and Zoom’s favourite season ?

                Now ,Let’s wanch it together .Then answer my questions.

    1. What’s Zip’s favourite season ? Why?
    2. Which season does Zoom like best ? Why ?

    Watch the cartoon and answer the questions .

    Follow the tape read this part .

    2、Let’s check (twice)

    【设计意图】:本部分是新授环节,通过听来训练学生的听力能力, 从而练习了学生回答问题的能力,再听、跟读做到了对知识的巩固。同时Let’s check 又是对听及写能力的练习。

    3、Listen and  Finish the dialogue

    A: What’s your favourite season ?

    B: Spring

    A: What do you wear in spring ?

    B: It’s beautiful. I can wear my white sweaters.

    A:Do you like spring ?

    B: Yes, I like it very much .

    A: Why ?

    B: I can fly a kite in spring .

    A: What’s your favourite season ?

    B: I like winter. I can ski and skate in winter .

    A: Oh ! You should wear warm clothes in winter .

    B: That’s right .

    Work in pairs make the dialogue.


    4、Listen and answer questions .

    There are four seasons in China . They are spring、summer、autumn、and winter.

        In spring the weather is getting warmer and warmer .(变得越来越热) The day is getting  longer and longer . The flowers come out (开放). The trees turn green . We often do sports in this season . For example ,playing basketball、playing football and so on .

       In summer the weather is very hot. The sun is very big and bright (明亮的). We often go swimming in this season . I like summer because I like swimming very much .

       In autumn the weather isn’t hot or cold .The trees turn yellow. The days are getting shorter and shorter . But autumn is the best season in China .  In autumn  we have mid-autumn day (中秋节). We often eat mooncakes in the day .

       In winter the weather is very cold . Sometimes it snows . I like snow very much . Because I like to make snowmen. I love China and I love the weather in China .

    1、How many seasons in China ?

    2、What are they ?

    3、Which season is the best season in China ?

    Answer the question .---Listen again


    Step 4 Extending and homework

    Watch the cartoon

    Story < Four seasons >

    Hi , I’m Mac the apple tree.

    I like spring , because it’s warm. I get pink and white flowers. I get new leaves. The bees(蜜蜂) visit me. Ahhh, spring!

    I like summer, because it’s hot. My apples grow bigger and bigger. My leaves become(变得) greener and greener .People rest under my shade.(在我树荫下休息).Humm ! Summer !

    I like autumn because it is cool. My apples become red. My leaves become colourful.People come and pick up(采摘) my red apples . Wow , autumn !!

    I have no leaves or apples anymore.(不再).But I like winter because the clean white snow. I can sleep and wait for (等待) spring. Zzzzzz! Winter.

    Read this passage and try to retell the story.



    板书设计: Unit 2 Part B Read and write

            ----  Why do you like summer ?

    ------  Because I can ···






















    • 标签:
    • spring
    • 能力
    • 学生
    • 设计
    • 意图
    • china
    • weather
    • season
    • autumn
    • summer
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