

创建时间:2024-05-25 23:26

学习时间:暂无|年级:八年级下 | 教材:人教新目标Go For It!

  • 学习目标:

  • 简介:

1. 作者的写作意图、情感或价值取向(why) (1)在阅读过程中唤起对残疾人的关爱意识,树立同情心; (2)认识动物和人类的伙伴关系,和动物和谐相处并更加关爱动物。 2. 语篇的主题和主要信息(what) 主题:阅读文本突出了本单元的核心话题Volunteering and Charity。 主要信息:Ben Smith是一名残疾人,手脚都不能正常活动。他的一位朋友帮他与“动物助手”组织联系,试图找到一条狗作为助手。经过六个月的训练,他把狗助手Lucky带回了家。Lucky很聪明,能听懂Ben Smith的命令,给了主人Ben Smith很多帮助和快乐。这一切都要感谢Miss Li , 她捐钱给“动物助手”组织,帮助Ben Smith得到 Lucky,改变了生活。<br />3. 语篇的文体特征、内容结构和语言特点(how) (1)文体类型 该部分阅读材料是Ben Smith写给Miss Li一封感谢信。<br />(2)语篇结构(即段落划分及大意归纳) Para. 1. Ben Smith thanks Miss Li for giving money to Animal Helpers. Para. 2 Ben’s friend talked to Animal helpers to get a dog to help Ben. Para. 3 Ben trained with Lucky at Animal Helpers. Para. 4 Ben thanks Miss Li again for changing his life.<br />(3)词汇特点 在这篇 286 词的信中,收录在词汇表中的词汇有 19 个(生词比约为 6%), 其中有 17个黑体词汇(重点词汇):imagine, open, carry, train, understand, change,disabled, blind, deaf,excited, clever, difficulty, door, training, kindness, Miss, letter。 从主题上分类看,用于描写残疾人生活中困难词汇有:1)形容词:disabled, blind, deaf;2)名词:difficulty, door;3) 动词:open, imagine, carry。 描述 Lucky: clever, understand, change, training。 描述Miss Li:letter, Miss, kindness。 从理解词汇的角度看,大多数词汇可以通过语境和词性的辨别获得理解。 (4)句式特点 ①第一段中的时态以一般现在时为主,也使用了一般过去时态。从句式结构上看,本段以简单句为主,作者表明了自己的写信目的。段中宾语从句I’m sure you know that… 说明了 Ben Smith 很感谢 Miss Li 对帮助到自己的公益团体的捐赠。 ②第二段中的时态以过去时态为主,也使用了一般现在时。从句式结构上看,本段以复杂句为主。特殊疑问句What would it be like to be blind or deaf?引发读者兴趣,为下文描写自己因残疾而不便的生活做铺垫。时间状语Then one day last year…为后文Ben Smith生活发生转机,起到时间逻辑上的转折作用。 ③第三段中的时态以一般现在时为主。从句式结构上看,以复杂句为主。句子My dog’s name is Lucky — a good name for him because I feel very lucky to have them中使用了破折号表强调作用,Ben Smith强调自己对 Lucky的喜爱。 ④第四段中的时态以一般现在时为主。从句式结构上看,以简单句为主。Ben Smith运用了条件状语从句I’ll send you…if以及情态动词could和how引导的宾语从句I could show you how…再次强调自己对Miss Li由衷的感激之情。<br />(5)修辞手法 ①并列(paralleling):Most people would never think about this, but many people have these difficulties, I can't use my arms or legs well, so normal things like answering the telephone, opening and closing doors or carrying things are difficult for me. ②拟人(personification):You see, I'm only able to have a“dog-helper”beca
Students analysis: 1. The basics of the class: there are 68 students in the class and they are arranged in three big groups in the classroom. It seems that most students don’t like having English classes. 2. The class routine: It seems that the students don’t read the text adequately. The teacher presents so many new words in the text that it may overwhelm the students. Instead of getting the students to figure out the implied meaning of the passage, the teacher herself tells the students about it directly. 3. The classroom interaction: It seems the teacher doesn’t make use of the information gap to help students understand the text. She just helps the students understand the text by asking questions and explaining new words. She asks questions to the whole class, and just a few students answer. When no response from the students, the teacher answers the questions by herself. 4. The main problem of the class: Ss are not good at reading. T doesn’t give enough opportunities for Ss to read the text by themselves. It seems that most Ss are absent-minded in class. T doesn’t seem to try hard enough to design the reading tasks helping Ss understand the details and the implied meaning of the text.

