• 赛课教案unit 7 My pet 教学设计 大磡小学 徐菁菁

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    Unit7 My pet大磡小学 徐菁菁.ppt


    Book 2 Unit 7 My pet(B)教学设计

    大磡小学  徐菁菁


           My pet是Primary English for China第二册第七课的教学内容。主要有句型I like the… It can… It can’t…等。


    • 知识目标:

    能听懂,会读会说句型,I like the… It can… It can’t…

    • 能力目标:

    (1)学会用句型I like the… It can… It can’t…。


    • 情感目标:
    1. 让学生学会与同学合作和沟通。
    2. 通过多种形式的活动激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助他们树立自信心。
    3. 教育学生在学习过程中注意并理解他人情感。



    对句型I like the… It can… It can’t…的理解和掌握。

    能运用句型I like the… It can… It can’t…描述宠物。


         It can…和 It can’t…用法。









    Step One--Talking

    1. Greeting.(T—S)

    T: What is this?

    S: This is a …

    T: What color is it?

    S: It’s…

    T: What’s that?

    S: That’s a …

    T: What color is it?

    S: It’s…

    1. Sing a song.
    2. T: What pets can you see from the song?

    S: I can see a…

    1. Free talk. Look at this picture and make a dialogue.



    Step Two--Teaching

    1. T: Pat and Tim want to go to pet shop. Do you want to go with them?

    S: Yes. (play the CD)

    T: Who likes cat? Pat or Tim?

    S: Pat.

    T: Yes, you are right. It’s small or big?

    S: It’s small.

    T: what color is it?

    S: It’s white.

    (take out a picture)

    T: This is my cat. I like the cat. Do you like the cat?

    S: Yes, I like the cat.

    T: Do you like the cat?

    S: Yes, I like the cat.

    T: Who likes dog?

    S: Tim.

    T: Yes, you are great. Tim likes the dog. It’s big or small?

    S: It’s big.

    T: What color is it?

    S: It’s black.

    T: Let’s listen again. Who want to be Pat? Who want to be Tim? (Read the dialogue in groups: boys –girls  group1—group2  a boy—a girl)

    1. T: Koko is coming. What will happen? Do you want to know?

    S: Yes.

    T: Let’s listen. (Play the CD)

    T: What’s that?

    S: It’s a fish.

    T: Can it swim?

    S: Yes, it can swim.

    T: Can it fly?

    S: No, it can’t fly.

    T: Can it run?

    S: No, it can’t run.

    T: Can it jump?

    S: No, it can’t jump.

    T: I am Koko. You are Pat. Ok? Let’s read them.

    (Read the dialogues: group—group  boys—girls  boy—girl )

    1. T: Oh, what’s this?

    S: It’s a bird.

    T: It’s big or small?

    S: It’s big.

    T: What color is it?

    S: It’s blue.

    T: What can it do?

    S: It can fly.

    T: Can it swim?

    S: No, it can’t swim. (Read it together)

    T: look at these pictures. What do you like? (Take out a picture of rabbit) I like rabbit. It’s small. It’s white. It can run and jump. It can’t fly.

    (Teacher sticks the rabbit on the Bb and fill in the blanks)


    I like the ____.

    It’s _____.

    It’s _____.

    It can _____.

    It can’t____.


    1. T: Look at the picture. What do you like?( work in pairs)

    1. T: Ok, I have more pets. Do you want to know them?       Please turn on your laptop, listen and learn dialogue1.


    Step Three – Training

    1. T: I have some riddles. Can you guess them?
    2. T: Can you make a riddle?

    Choose one of them and make a riddle.

    1. Come into dialogue 2,4 and 5.(7mins)

    1. T: Pat and Tim go to the zoo. Do you want to go with them?

    S: Yes. Ok, first, let’s read them together. It’s a … it’s a …

    (T—S make a dialogue and work in pairs)

    A: What is this?

    B: It’s a …

    A: What color is it?

    B: It’s …

    A: What can it do?

    B: It can …

    A: Do you like it?

    B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

    (Work in pairs and make a dialogue)

    1. Show the dialogues.
    2. At last, I have a question: How shall we deal with the animal?


    Step Four--Homework:

    Draw your pet and introduce it to your father and mother.


    Unit7 My pet (B) 教学反思

    大磡小学 徐菁菁

    经过不断的设计—上课—反思,再设计—再上课—再反思,终于上完了Unit7 My pet B部分。在此过程中,也不断的在读在思考如何把跨越式的理念融合到我的课堂中去。



    思考二:跨越式课堂强调坚持“以言语交际为中心”。这是对真是情景的一种模拟和迁移,在英语学习的初始阶段,交际情景可能会比较简单。本节课就使用的情景迁移的方法,两个好朋友先是去了pet shop,进行了对话练习,然后又去了Zoo,又在动物园里面进行了拓展对话。以两个好朋友的行程为主线设置情景迁移。





    • 标签:
    • 能力
    • 学生
    • 语言
    • color
    • 课堂
    • 情景
    • 不断
    • 思考
    • 跨越式
    • pet
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