

创建时间:2024-05-27 22:34

学习时间:暂无|年级:八年级下 | 教材:人教新目标Go For It!

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<p><strong><u>Textbook Analysis: </u></strong></p> <p><strong>What:</strong>&nbsp;This lesson is about a reading material---A&nbsp;letter from Ben Smith to Miss Li. It talks about Ben&rsquo;s thankfulness to Miss Li for donating money to Animal Helpers, which can help those disabled people like her. She writes her story of meeting Lucky, a special trained dog that totally changed her life.</p> <p><strong>Why: </strong>Through&nbsp;reading&nbsp;the letter from Ben Smith, the author explains how animals could help disabled people and how many difficulties do they have. After reading the letter, students may have a better understanding of Animals Helpers and disabled people, learn to use nouns, verbs and adjectives to explain&nbsp;different event, thoughts and actions.</p> <p><strong>How:</strong>&nbsp;The reading&nbsp;material&nbsp;is a typical letter of thanks that involve the words&nbsp;(adjectives, nouns and verbs)&nbsp;describe thoughts, events and actions, such as <em>write</em><em>, </em><em>train,</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>send, get</em><em>;</em><em>&nbsp;disabled</em><em>, </em><em>difficulty</em><em>,</em><em>&nbsp;normal, imagine </em>... It also includes the core language for expressing events, such as <em>&ldquo;Miss Li sent money to Animals Helpers</em><em>. </em><em>Ben Smith wrote a letter to Miss Li</em><em>....</em><em>&rdquo;</em><em>&nbsp;</em>The letter uses the simple present tense and the simple past tense. The topic is close to life, which&nbsp;has practical and educational significance.</p>
<p><strong><u>Key Points:</u></strong></p> <ol> <li>Students can grasp the main idea and details of the reading</li> <li>Students can understand the meaning of the words like <em>write</em><em>, </em><em>train,</em><em>send, get</em><em>;</em><em>&nbsp;disabled</em><em>, </em><em>difficulty</em><em>,</em><em>&nbsp;normal, imagine, etc. a</em>nd can use them to describe feeling and events.</li> <li>Students can learn how to retell a letter of thanks and have a deeper understanding of helping others.</li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><u>Difficult Points:</u></strong></p> <ol> <li>Students may have difficulty in catching the key information in the letter.</li> <li>Students may have difficulty in reading along text and analyzing the main idea.</li> <li>Students may notfamiliar with the new words and expressions,which will make them difficult to understand the letter.</li> <li>Students may have difficulties in expressing their own thoughts in group discussion.</li> </ol>
<p><strong><u>Student Analysis:</u></strong></p> <ul> <li>The <strong>basics </strong>of the class: There are 40 students in the class and they are typically 15-16 years old. They are divided into 8 groups.</li> <li>The class <strong>routine</strong>: Most of the students are active, but a few students like to sleep or chat in class. Most of the time the teacher speaks English, but have to make Chinese explanation sometimes. The teacher usually impress the students with the important points by writing them on the blackboard or marking the words in color.</li> <li>The classroom <strong>interaction</strong>: The teacher usually interact with students by asking questions. Some students would like to speak actively and some be quiet. Teacher usually organizes students to discuss in groups and students are encouraged to actively participate in class discussions and activities.</li> <li>The <strong>language proficiency</strong>: About 60% of the students are able to answer the questions. The teacher asks some easy questions,like &ldquo;How do you thank someone helps you?&rdquo;.</li> <li>The <strong>learning strategies</strong>: Some students will make prediction before reading and take noteswhile reading. When they do group work, most of the students speak English, a few students speak in Chinese sometimes.</li> <li>The <strong>main problem</strong>of the class: Some&nbsp;students lack in motivation to learn English, finding it boring or irrelevant.&nbsp;Students often do not have enough opportunities to practice their listening and speaking skills&nbsp;outside of the classroom.</li> </ul>






