• 龙津小学-吴丽琴-数学-十几减9

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    • Dialogue4

    • Three

    A: Mike, what do you want to be?

    B: I want to be a doctor.

    A: Great!

    B: What about you?

    A: I want to be a teacher.

    • Word9
    • Dialogue5
    A: We don't have class this afternoon. Let's go to a movie.
    B: Ok. There's a good movie at the movie theater.
    C: What time does it start?
    B: I don't know. Let's call the movie theater.

    B: Excuse me. What time does the movie start, please?
    D: It starts at three o'clock.

    B: Do you have enough time?
    C: No. we don't. Shall we go to the amusement park?
    B: But it's too far away.
    A: And we don't have enough monkey.
    B: Shall we go to the museum? We can see dinosaurs there.

    • Practice5

    Write an E-mail to your friend and tell her/him what you learned at English class these days  .


    • Game1

    • Dialogue1
    • 标签:
    • 方法
    • 学生
    • 9+
    • 教师
    • 15
    • 十几
    • 计算
    • 数学
    • 等于
    • 板书
    • 小学
    • 完成
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