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    • 随时间流淌的色彩




      查过许多资料,也未见分晓银山道的确切含意。也许是这条无有生命的沟谷,百年前或千年前曾盛产白银?也许是因为它的交通要塞之扼殊?也许挖银的坑道还 在,只是被最后一个走出坑的人,用石块封闭了洞口?或许这美丽的名字,只是人们对幸福丰裕生活的一种向往和寄托。 




      上路前听人讲,过干沟必须要在早晨或是晚上,倘若白天走就麻烦、就痛苦、就无耐。太阳下的干沟,虽烈热难熬,人却还可以熬。但是车却熬也不住,水箱总 是开锅,似乎没有引擎,它也照沸腾不误,再加之搓板似的路况,颠簸得人晕头昏脑。更有之气象万千,难卜风力,刚刚还是阳光明媚清丽朗照,瞬息之间,狂风大 作,灰天黑地,犹如孤舟颠簸在黄河的巨波浪谷底。也许一会儿风过,但烟尘不散,待有可见度已是数小时之后,就甭提那像刀子一样的大风刮你半天了。听说有辆 车赶上过,出来后,人没多大关系,可车漆全被打磨干净,铮亮可鉴,你说可怕不可怕?






      北美的印第安人曾深信有一种超自然的力量统治着广袤的世界,它将人类与其他生物紧密地连结在一起。北美印第安人敬奉大地为生命之母。他们认为,土地上 的各种生物组成了一个有灵性的生命之网。每一棵树、每一只昆虫、每一种动物和每一个人,都是这无形的生命之网上的一个小小的部分。 

      因此,北美印第安人在树下、在岩下或沙丘旁过夜,临行前总要将自己在那里弄出的痕迹清除干净。篝火的余烬和残留的食物需要掩埋,堆积的石头应当放平, 挖开的洞穴必需填实……做到“过不留痕”,这也成了北美印第安人的行为准则。他们世世代代生活在北美的林野中,如同鱼儿穿过水中,鸟儿飞过天空。 




      可悲的是,这个欧洲农业的摇篮和世界文明发祥地之一的巴比伦,无意中却犯下了一个致命的错误。他们为了保持巴比伦的繁荣昌盛,毁灭了森林,毁灭了草 原,获得了更多的良田。但是,哺育着巴比伦的幼发拉底河和底格里斯河,却由于上游的森林消失,水土大量流失。流失的泥沙淤塞了两河河道,继而洪水泛滥,浊 流千里。最终,两河调头它行,从此美索不达米亚平原的千里沃土,大片大片地被沙化、盐碱化。 


      生态学家认为,地球经历了60亿年的演化,形成了今天的由动物、微生物和人类组成的生态系统的核心。地球上的水、空气、土壤和阳光,则构成了这个生态 系统的基础。各种生物在这个生态系统中,相互依存又相互制约地生存、繁殖与死亡,由此达到一种动态的平衡。如若人为地使这个生态系统的某一重要因素增加或 减少,生态系统的微妙平衡就会遭到破坏。 





    • 宗璞的人生之路和校园情结






    • 假如记忆可以移植


      假如记忆可以移植,我要将历史重现,让人们莫忘四、五十年代发生在美国洛杉矶市的光化学烟雾事件, 让他们再不能对数以百万计的燃油机动车组成的大规模流动烟囱视而不见;假如记忆可以移植,我要给人们移植发生在日本熊本县的“水俣病”患者的痛苦记忆,让他们时刻不忘工业废水给人们带来的危害,积极治污,保护环境。 
      假如记忆可以移植,我要重温去年发生在长江流域的洪涝灾害带来的巨大损失,让人们在发展中注意生态保护;不再任意毁林开荒;假如记忆可以移植,我将告 诉每一个炎黄子孙,孕育华夏文明摇篮的黄河已经断流,如果我们再失去长江,那么,我们有何面目去见列祖列宗,如何面对后代的唾弃。 
      假如记忆可以移植,我要把已经灭绝了的动物朋友们的容颜移植到每个人的脑中,告别人类自己作为动物天敌的身份,给野生动物多留一块栖息地 ;假如记忆可以移植,我还要告诉地球上的每一个人,在已灭绝的24亿个物种中,60%是本世纪灭绝的。我们应该扪心自问,当地球上所有的物种都灭绝后,人类还能独自前行多久? 
      假如记忆可以移植,我要把恩格斯的警告植入每个人的脑中:“我们不要过分陶醉于我们对自然界的胜利,对于每一次这样的胜利,自然界都报复了我们。”可 是多少年来,我们竟一直为了短期的经济效益,或砍伐森林,造成水土流失;成围湖造田,与龙王爷争夺地盘!什么时候我们才能改变“与天奋斗,其乐无穷;与地 奋斗,其乐无穷”的思维定势,尊重自然,爱护自然呢? 


    • Reading4

    Western Manners

    It is a great help for the person who is learning a foreign language to know some customs and manners for the people who speaks it, because the language is very closely associated with them. I will tell you some common western manners.

    1. Meeting and Greeting People 

    1) Greeting The simplest thing to say is "Good morning," "Good afternoon'" or "good evening." This greeting is given to one whom you know only slightly(adv. 些微地,轻微地;纤细地), or to any one you are passing quickly. "How are you" is usually used when you are not in such a hurry. No answer is expected other than " Fine, thank you." "hello" is the commonest(共同的) form of greeting between good friends.

    2) When a Man raises his hat if you are wearing a hat which can be taken bold of easily, it is customary(n. 习惯法汇编) to raise it slightly off your head when you greet a girl or a woman.

    3) When to shake hands It is customary to shake hands when you first meet someone. And usually friends shake hands when they meet after not having seen each other for some time. However it is not necessary to shake hands.

    4) Use the person's Name It is always good form to use the name of the person you are greeting. You might say,"Good Morning, Mr. Moncrieff" or " Hello, Franklin." A person's surname should be used unless he is good friend or school-mate.

    2. Introduction 

    1) How to Introduce People In introducing two people, the general rule is: Introduce other people to the person you wish to honor . The old are honored in the West as in China. Women have been honoured(n. 荣誉;尊敬;勋章

    vt. 尊敬) in the West since the days of knighthood(骑士时代).

    2) Rising at Introduction A man always rise for an introduction, except that it is sometimes all right for an elderly man to remain seated when a young man is introduced to him. The hostess always rises for an introduction.

    3) Introducing Yourself If you want to meet someone, it is better to ask a friend who know him to introduce you. But sometimes at a meeting or gathering it is all right to introduce yourself to a fellow- student, or to one of the same sex and position.

    3. Invitation 

    1) You must reply(vt. 回答;答复) to an Invitation foreign custom is much more strict than Chinese custom in the matter of replying to invitations. When you receive an invitation you should answer it immediately(adv. 立即,立刻;直接地), saying definitely whether you are able to accept it or not.

    2) Written or verbal reply if the invitation is given by word of mouth, in conversation or at a chance meeting, you should answer at once whether you can come or not. If you cannot give an answer at that time, you may say, "May I let you know this evening?" Or some such words.

    4. In the Home 

    1) The Right Time to Arrive When invited to luncheon(n. 午宴), dinner, or supper, it is very impolite to arrive late, as it is usually planned to have the meal at the exact hour given in the invitation.

    2) In arrival When you arrive, the hostess or some member of the family will probably meet you at the door and take your coat and hat. In the winter time you should dress more lightly than usually, as you may expect the rooms to be warmer than in most Chinese homes.

    3) In a few minutes the hostess will ask her guests to come in to dinner. She may or may not ask each gentleman to take a lady in. If she does, the lady will take the gentleman's arm as they walk into the dinning room. If she does not, the ladies will go in first, followed by the gentlemen. The hostess(n. 女主人) will either point out their seats to the guests as they come in or have a place card at each place with the guests name on it.

    4) How long to stay after the meal is over it is not polite to leave for at least half an hour, lest you seem to have come only for the meal. An evening dinner invitation usually implies that you stay for the whole evening. The hostess often plans some after-dinner entertainment.

    5) What to Say on Leaving When leaving any kind of a party, a guest always expresses his appreciation to the hostess. Some such words as these are appropriate. "Thank you so much. I've had a delight(n. 高兴) evening."

    5. Table Manners 

    1) As soon as the hostess picks up her napkin, pick yours up and lay it on your lap. Sometimes a roll of bread is wrapped in it; if so, toke it our and put it on your side plate.

    2) The Soup Course Dinner usually begins with soup. The largest spoon(n. 匙,勺子;一杓的量) at your place is the soup spoon. It will be beside your plate at the right-hand side.

    3) The Fish Course If there is a fish course, it will probably follow the soup. There may be a special fork for the fish, or it may be similar to the meat fork. Often it is smaller.

    4) The Meat Course The main Course is usually served by the host himself, especially if it is a fowl or a roast which need to be carved. He will often ask each guest what piece he prefers, and it is quite proper to state your preference as to lean or fat, dark(红肉) or light(白肉).

    5) Using Knife and Fork If you have English and American friends you will notice a few differences in their customs of eating. For the main or meat curse, the English keep the fork in the left hand, point curved downward, and bring the food to the mouth either by sticking the points onto it or in the case of soft vegetables, by placing it firmly on the fork in this position with the knife. Americans carve the meat in the same position, then lay down the knife and taking the fork in the right hand with the point turned up, push it under a small piece of food without the help of the knife and bring it to the moth right-side-up.

    6) Helping Yourself and Refusing If a servant passes food around, he will pass the dish in at your left hand so that you can convenient ly serve yourself with your right hand. Never serve yourself while the dish is on your right; it is th en the turn of your neighbor on the right. It is polite to take some of everything that is passed to y ou. But if there is something you may not like, you may quietly say: "No thank you."

    7) Second helpings the hostess may or may not ask if you would like a second helping, according to the formality of the m eal. If she does and you accept it, you should pass your plate to her or to the servant with the kni fe and fork still lying on it.

    8) The salad course a salad is eaten with a fork only held in the right hand with points turned up. There is usually a spe cial one for the salad, a little smaller than the meat fork.

    9) Bread and butter bread is taken in the fingers and laid on the side plate or the edge of the large plate, it is never take with a fork. Butter is taken from the butter dish with the butter knife and placed on the side pl ate, not on one's bread.

    10) Other things on the table when there are things on the middle of the table, such as bread, butter, jelly, pickles, nits, candies , you should not take any until the hostess ahs suggested that they be passed.

    11) Leaving the table it is impolite for a guest to leave the table during a meal, or before the hostess gives the signal at the end. When the hostess indicates that the dinner is over, she will start to rise from her seat and all the guests will rise from theirs at the same time.

    12) Various rules and suggestions sit up straight on your chair; Do not put much food in your mouth at a time; Drink only when there is no food in your mouth; Try not to get into your mouth anything that will have to be taken out; Do not make any nose when you eat; Do not clean your teeth at the table or anywhere in public, either with your finger or a tooth pick(牙签), not even with you tongue(n. 舌头;语言).

    6. In School 

    1)Greeting the Teacher If you are in a very large class, it may not be necessary to greet the teacher on arriving, but it is always quite proper if you happen to catch the teacher's eye as you enter.

    2) Coming Late It is bad manners to come late to class. If you are unavoidably late an apology should be made to the teacher either at the time or after class.

    3) Talking in Class It if bad manners in the schoolroom, as elsewhere, to talk while anyone else is taking.

    7. In Public Places 

    1) Traffic Laws The coming of the motor car made definite traffic law and regulations a practical necessity. To obey t hese law is not so much a matter of curtsey(礼貌) as a moral obligation(义务).

    2) For People Walking People walking should keep to the sidewalks and should keep to the right of the sidewalk. 3) The Theater The theater proper is more formal than the movies. At the theater best clothes are in order; evening c lothes are often worn.

    4) The Movies The movies are more informal. Any kind of respectable clothes may be worn, and small confection(糖果) may be eaten quietly as long as there are no objectionable(adj. 讨厌的;会引起反对的;有异议的) noses to annoy one's neighbors.

    5) In Church(n. 教堂;礼拜;教派) It is usual for anyone attending church to take some money along for the offering, as it is a regular part of every church service and is used for the work of the church. Good clothes, but never evening clothes, are worn to a church service.

    8. Special Occasions 

    1) Birthday Birthday in the West, as in China, are considered occasions for congratulations and sometimes for gifts from near friends.

    2)The Wedding If one receives an announcement(n. 公告;宣告;发表;通告) of a wedding after it is over, a note of congratulation may be sent, but a gift is not necessary.

    3) The Funeral Funerals, of course, are always sand, but the tendency(n. 倾向,趋势;癖好) in Western countries is against making any show of one's feelings at the funeral(n. 丧葬,葬礼). The idea behind this is that the person dead would wish this last meeting of his friends in his honor and remembrance(n. 回想,回忆;纪念品;记忆力)to be full of tender, happy recollections of his life.

    9. With Strangers and Friends 

    1) Lending and borrowing are more matters of principle in the West than in the East. Things borrowed in the West are definitely expected to be returned, whether it is fifty dollars or merely a friend's pencil.

    2) Don't be burious it is impolite to be curious about the private affairs of others, such as age, salary, religion and marriage.

    3) Thanks for Gifts When some one gives you a present, it is very impolite to neglect(vt. 疏忽,忽视;忽略) thank him for it.

    4) One Hand Only In china we use two hands when giving something to a person, or when receiving it, if we want to be very polite. In the West this would seem awkward and impolite.

    10. Personal Habits and Appearance 

    1) People judge you at first by what they see, so particular attention should be paid to your personal appearance.

    2) Using a Handkerchief Always carry a clean handkerchief. Do not use it while it is folded, and do not fold it after you use it.

    3)Spitting(v. 吐痰;吐出;) In the West it is considered very impolite to spit, even upon the street.

    4) Smoking Smoking is very prevalent(adj. 流行的;普遍的,广传的), both by men and by women. If you are a guest in a home where no others are smoking, it is better to refrain(忍住) from smoking, you may say, "Would you mind if I smoked?".

    11. Some Points for Men 

    1) With a lady always allow the lady to precede you in places where one has to go before the other except in the foll owing case: when getting off a street car, train, bus, or out of an automobile; when going up stair; when opening a heavy door. When you are walking along the street with a lady, always walk on the outside.

    2) At a dance If you wish to dance with a certain lady, go to her, bow, and say:" May I have the pleasure of a dance?" Meet new friends, find pen-pals and language learning partners, or meet your ideal match!

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