• 蔡静纯Unit 12 In the park

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    Unit 12 In the park


    The first period

    Teaching aims

    Learning adjectives to identify colours e.g.,red blue,yellow,green. Asking wh-questions to find out the colours of objects .e.g. What colour is it ?

    Teaching key points

    New words : red,yellow, blue, green

    What colour is it? It’s red/yellow/blue/green.

    Teaching difficult points

    What colour is it? It’s red/yellow/blue/green.

    Teaching aids

    Picture cards

    Teaching methods

    Activity approach




    Teaching procedures







    Step 1: Enjoy a song to lead in colours.



    Step 2: Show the picture of a park to the students and describe the rainbow in it . e.g . T: Look at the rainbow . It’s very nice. We can see red, yellow, blue ,green,orange. //彩虹的图片呈现能够很好的展示和表征本节课的单词知识点。Step 3: Show the students some fruits e.g. apple, pear then describe the fruit, e.g. T: Look! This is an apple.  It’s red. At the same time, teach the new words, red ,blue, yellow,green.

    Step 4: Have the students practise the new words one by one when I point to the picture cards .//英语课堂中强调言语交际为中心,让学生在实际运用中掌握单词,除了正音之外,建议减少开火车读的时间,更多的在旧句型中带新单词来掌握单词



    Step5: Ask the students to think about what is red/yellow/green/blue in our life,e.g. pencil,flag,apple are red, pear, banana, flower ar yellow, pencil,tree,rubber are green, bag,sky, book are blue. While practising, show the objects to the students.

    Step 6: Have the students do the exercise Listen and colour the numbers.

    Step 7 : Have the students watch the video of Let’s talk and then pepeat after it .

    Step 8 : Have one student to act out the dialogue with me then divide the whole class into boys and girls to act out the dialogue, at last, practise in pairs and check some of them.



    Step 9: Ask the students to take out their pencilcases and then using the objects around them to practise the dialogue,e.g. S1: What’s this ? S2: It’s a pencil. S1: What colour is it? S2: It’s red.


    Step 10: Have the students do the exercises of Listen and order,Listen and match.

    Step 10: Using the objests to review what we have learned today,e.g. Boys:What’s this? Girls: It’s a book. Boys: What colour is it? Girls: It’s yellow.



    Step 11: Listen to a rhyme and read aftert it , enjoy a song to end the class.



    Using the objects around you to practise the dialogue with your partner.



    In this class,the words of colour are easy for the students to learn, but the sentence pattern is a little hard, the practise of the sentence p[attern is not enough, only some of them can speak fluently.

    • 标签:
    • red
    • 三小英语
    • colour
    • 学生
    • 单词
    • 育才
    • blue
    • yellow
    • students
    • step
    • e.g.
    • listen
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