• Instructional Technology in the Third World

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    • Introduction

    INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY IS BEING USED INCREASINGLY IN THE THIRD WORLD. As technology in the third world becomes more accessible and affordable to the public, the role of technology in these developing countries is changing rapidly. Technology is becoming of increasing importance in many areas of life and especially in the classroom. More and more, technology is being used for instruction in these countries, which is changing many aspects of the classroom; however, there are several hindrances to its' use.

    • Technology in the Classroom

    The use of technology in the classroom in developing countries has increased in recent years. This is due partially to the fact that technology is becoming more affordable and readily available. Because of this, technology is more accessible to instructors, which is one factor which increases their motivation for using it in the classroom. Technology has the capability of providing a wealth of information to students at the touch of a button. In developing countries, especially in rural areas, this factor has motivated instructors to incorporate technology into the classroom, to increase the students' exposure to current information. 


    The use of technology in the classroom is no longer restricted to just developed countries. Technology is now being used across the globe, in the majority of third world countries.


    • The Role of Instructors

    Technology is changing the role of instructors and teaching methods in the third world. As in developed countries, instructors are seen almost as initiators of learning, with technology taking over the teaching role. Instructors have the opportunity to become more creative with their teaching methods, as technology provides them with more visual and auditory options. Additionally, students are becoming more accustomed to the use of technology in the classroom and so instructors must adjust their teaching methods accordingly. 

    The role of instructors is changing with the advancement of technology. 

    • Hindrances to the use of Technology

    There are still factors which hinder the use of technology in the classroom. Even instructors who have access to technology often fail to take advantage of it due to the fact that they are unfamiliar with the technology. Few instructors in the third world have received adequate training on how to operate various forms of technology. In addition, an instructor's motivation for using technology may be low if he feels that the use of technology is not beneficial because the students themselves do not have access to the technology at home. 


    Instructor familiarity with the available technology is just one of the factors which determines how much technology is used in the classroom.

    • End of Article

    Joleen Rucker homepage

    • Author

    Bob Hoffman, PhD

    • 标签:
    • world
    • third
    • instructional
    • classroom
    • technology
    • countries
    • instructors
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