• Cognitive style assessment

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    • introduction

    DEVELOPING INSTRUCTIONAL PRODUCTS for computer-based, web-based instruction, or traditional delivery methods of instruction, requires that the designer understand the learning styles of each student. Computer and web-based courseware may be programmed to respond to an individuals' learning style following pre-assessment, while traditional delivery methods require flexibility of the materials to cater to diverse styles.

    • Cognitive Styles

    There are many different theories of learning styles. Riding and Cheema (1991) describe four distinct cognitive styles; wholist, analytics, verbalizers, and imagers. Individuals may have a single cognitive style or, more commonly, multiple styles. 

    • Wholist see information in a whole and have a better understanding of the big picture. They have difficulty breaking down elements into small, distinct parts. Diagrams with some text are helpful in demonstrating the whole picture to this learner.
    • Analytics can break down information well into distinct parts, but have difficulty understanding the big picture. They may be able to spot a problem that affects one part of the process, but have difficulty relating it to the entire process. these learners like to see things broken down over a number of screens or pages and then may follow up with the whole unit.
    • Verbalizers prefer to have information presented as words or verbal associations. This type of learner can easily create mental images of the material being presented, therefore they are comfortable with heavy text or verbal presentations. They may prefer to be presented with main points of the process.
    • Imagers see things in the form of pictures and prefer material to be presented in vivid context. Unfamiliar terms should be descriptive and illustrated.

    Presenting information in the form of text, images, and voice will suffice for all types of learners.

    • Bimodal groups

    There are four common bimodal groups--those with a combination of learning styles: wholist-verbalisers, wholist-imagers, analytic-verbalisers and analytic-imagers. Click on the images below to see an example of a course designed for each bimodal learning style.


    Wholist-imager                                                        Wholist-verbaliser


    • Author

    Villetta Stoll
    Graduate Student
    SDSU Educational Technology

    Boles, Wageeh W.; Pillay, Hitendra (1999). Matching Cognitive Styles to Computer-based Instruction. European Journal of Engineering Education, p371-384. Retrieved December 1, 2000 from EBSCOhost on-line database on the world wide web

    • 标签:
    • difficulty
    • assessment
    • images
    • cognitive
    • prefer
    • bimodal
    • presented
    • style
    • styles
    • learning
    • information
    • text
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