• Using pictures to increase comprehension

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    • Introduction

    PICTURES ARE AN IMPORTANT MEDIA for conveying information. When used properly with text-based information, pictures can enhance motivation, attention, comprehension and recall. This is because memory for pictures is better than memory for words. Several attributes of pictures must be considered for maximum effect.

    • Size:

    Larger pictures attract readers to an accompanying article more
    effectively than smaller pictures or no pictures, and draw readers deeper into the article. A larger picture also increases recall of facts from the article it accompanies. Increasing picture size also increases attention to the picture. A large picture is considered to be 18% to 26% of a page. The reader is more likely to read text accompanied by a large photo. 


    Larger pictures give the reader a sense of being there. For example, the picture to the right shows more detail,capturing the reader's attention.

    • Color:

    Pictures in realistic color are more effective than black-and-white. 


    Color photographs often convey important information not available in black-and-white photographs. Color also appeals more to learners and increases motivation to read accompanying text.

    • Picture content:

    Pictures help readers learn and comprehend text. For example, pictures increase comprehension when they:

    • illustrate information central to the text
    • illustrate new content important to the overall message being presented
    • help depict the structural relationships covered by the text
    • add more meaning to the text, such as in a diagram or illustration

    This illustration helps show the structural relationship of parts, which is difficult to explain with text alone.

    • Captions:

    Pictures can be interpreted many different ways. Without captions, readers may have trouble understanting what information a photograph is trying to convey. 

    Captions should be used with pictures to help the reader interpret the information and place it in proper reference.

    • More Information:
    • Instructional Illustration
    • Image Resolution and File Size
    • Signs, Symbols and Icons
    • Author

    Bob Tatum, Graduate Student, San Diego State University

  • Image Resolution and File Size
  • Signs, Symbols and Icons