• Project based learning

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    • Introduction

    ACADEMIC RIGOR, real-world relevance, and increased student engagement is the quest of many educators. One such instructional strategy, Project-Based Learning is rapidly becoming known as a method that will achieve this goal. (Challenge 2000 Project-Based Learning.) 

    • An Instructional Strategy

    Project-Based Learning is an instructional strategy that helps students apply academic content to authentic problems that require critical thinking and increase student responsibility for learning. Students are presented with an authentic problem and introduced to a wide range of tools whereby a solution is achieved via an actual project. The project therefore is the culmination of the learning process where a solution to an authentic situation or question was solved.

    With the teacher acting as Advisor, Facilitator, and Resource Provider as opposed to the traditional role of Expert, Lecturer, and Director of Instruction, students guide the focus of their exploration and take ownership of their learning experience. Project-Based Learning promotes the opportunity for students to choose an area of interest within the content framework and journey into deeper levels of study. It begins with The Essential Question. 

    • The Essential Question

    To begin the unit an Essential Question must be developed as the foundation for learning exploration and the creation of a culminating project.
    The project's completion would encompass knowledge and skills gained while answering the Essential Question. Based upon the Constructivist Approach, Project-Based Learning allows the student to chart their educational exploration while providing access to numerous resources as well as real-world subject-matter experts. A well designed Project-Based Learning unit incorporates the elements within this flow chart. 



    • The Learning Showcase

    Content standards drive Project-Based Learning and teachers take advantage of this instructional model to fulfill multiple learning objectives. At the elementary level, a 4th grade Social Science standard requires students to "describe the daily lives of the people native, and non-native who occupied the presidios, missions, ranchos, and pueblos." (Content Standards for Public Schools) Project Based Learning units can be developed to allow students to access the content and develop a deep understanding of the lives of those who lived in the California missions. The culminating project often ends with a student-created replica of their mission of choice. Their work is displayed for an intended audience of staff, parents, and community members. 


    Mission Project created by a 4th grade student at
    Nye Elementary School
    San Diego City School District


    Secondary students have the potential to experience a myriad of Project-Based Learning opportunities. One such class, a secondary elective, "Marketing, Meeting, and Special Event Planning", engages students via the Project-Based Learning model. Students learn the required competencies of a Special Event Planner by answering The Essential Question, "What are the key elements to include in planning a successful school-wide Career Day?" Students were engaged over a period of 12 weeks in the real-world learning activities of this unit with the culminating project of a school-wide Career Day.


    Lincoln High School's School-wide Career Day
    San Diego City School District

    • Assessment - The Rubric

    Problem-Based Learning involves both formative and summative assessment. Rubrics, also known as scoring guides, provide an effective evaluative tool for assessing student performance. Tailor-made rubrics can be used throughout the Project-Based Learning unit, as well as the final evaluation of the project. (Challenge 2000 Multimedia PBL Rubric.)

    Project-Based Learning is growing rapidly and gaining more supporters within the educational community. Many educators define a student's ability to succeed by determining their ability to see connections, make connections, solve problems by looking at multiple perspectives, incorporate information from different fields, and to produce rather than regurgitate. Project-Based Learning allows for these elements of success to be planted within our students of today and beyond. 

    • Related Articles and Websites

    Challenge 2000 Project-Based Learning & Multimedia Web Site

    Problem-Based Learning

    • Author

    Helen V. Griffith
    Graduate Student, SDSU Educational Technology


    • 标签:
    • based
    • student
    • project
    • students
    • learning
    • project-based
    • essential
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