• Simulations

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    • Simulation as an Instructional Tool

    SIMULATION HAS BEEN USED TO EXPLORE and test new ideas by professional organizations for years. Utilizing simulation technologies for education has many advantages, and there is great potential to further develop simulation as a tool for education, research, development and training.

    • Simulation Technologies

    Simulation technologies allow education research and development teams the opportunity to model, explore, and try out a variety of strategies in a safe environment. There are at least four forms of simulation technologies: gaming, role-playing, simulators, and modeling. 

    • Gaming

    Gaming requires formalized play with pre-set rules that one or more players must follow (Hood, 1997). Gaming is one of the most highly utilized form of simulation in education, business, and training for a variety of reasons. Gaming teaches competition strategies, cooperation and teamwork, and conflict resolution. The effectiveness of gaming relies on the degree to which the games simulate real-life, and there are benefits and drawbacks.

    Games are dynamic, intrinsically motivating, and involve high levels of involvement. They provide immediate feedback to participants, and mistakes do not result in actually losing assets (Hood, 1997). However, gaming may cause participants to overlook the lesson being taught if they become to involved and neglect to see their errors. Also, players may limit themselves to a singular winning strategy in order to win the game (Hinrichs, 1976). 


    • Role-Playing

    Role-playing requires participants to "assume specific parts in defined social situations" (Hood, 1997). It is used as an exercise for participants to solve problems and can be effective for organizations to collaboratively invent, explore, and evaluate interpersonal situations. Role-playing simulations allow participants a relatively low-risk environment with which to develop skills.

    One of the major drawbacks to role-playing can be the amount of time needed to prepare for the simulation. Since participants are asked to pretend, clear and extensive descriptions of the roles being played and extensive knowledge of the situation being portrayed are needed (Hood, 1997). 


    • Simulators

    Simulators emulate real-life situations in which human operators are involved in complex and continuous interactions with machines. Both a popular and cost-effective form of simulation, simulators are used to test and validate strategies, tactics, or procedures, and experiment with organizational structure and functions (Hood, 1997). 

    This form of simulation is often employed to train adult learners who require a high-quality stimulus. Simulators have great accuracy in recreating the event that is simulated, and offer participants the opportunity to utilize skills immediately (Hood, 1997). 


    • Modeling

    Modeling experiments with the physical or symbolic representation of a system (Hood, 1997). Using models is an effective way to train large groups to gain an understanding of how a structure works.

    Models may compress time and/or space, and Hood (1997) explains that this is one of the greatest advantages of modeling in that it enables us to make connections between the different parts of the system while it helps us to visualize their interactions. Another benefit of modeling is that it allows people to experiment without disrupting the real system. Modeling usually fails if the system being modeled is inaccurate (Hood, 1997). 


    • For further information:

    Instructional Simulations

    Games and Simulations

    Hood, P. (1997). Simulation as a tool in education research and development. EdTalk: US 

    • Author

    Marcie Neubecker

    Education Technology Student

    San Diego State University

    • 标签:
    • 1997
    • gaming
    • education
    • modeling
    • form
    • simulation
    • games
    • hood
    • simulations
    • participants
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