• Module 2 We can save the animals.

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    • 一, 教学内容分析



    • 二, 教学对象分析



    • 教学目标
    1. Language knowledge 语言知识:
    1. Review the vocabularies: frog, kangaroo, lion, elephant , panda, starfish, whale.
    2. Review the sentence structures: It looks like… It has… It is… It loves eating… It lives in…It can…
    3. Pupils can speak out the concerned function languages.
    1. Language skill 语言技能:
    1.    Pupils are able to make the dialogue by the given strutures.
    2.    Pupils are able to locate the answers in the listening.

    3)    Pupils can read and locate information according to the questions provided beforehand.

    3.  Learning strategies学习策略:

    1)    Pupils can communicate with others by using the learning content from the text.

    2  Pupils can make dialogue fluently.

    4.  Affect 情感态度:

    Pupils will know that we should save the earth and the animals.

    • 教学重点

    Pupils can practise the learned vocabularies and sentence structures.

    Pupils can understand the passages well.    

    • 教学难点

    Pupils can understand the passages and learn the words.

    • 教学资源

    幻灯片,worksheet, 地球图片一张,小树卡。

    • Warming up
      1. Daily report. (T: Who will give us a report today?)

     Listen to the report.


    1.让学生放松心情, 活跃课堂气氛并为以下的活动做好铺垫。

    • Revision and consolidation (Speaking)
    1. Review the words of animals. (一闪而过)T:Children,we will review Unit 2 . 齐读课题,Look, what’s this?


    1. Review the sentense structure by playing Bingo game. Sentense structures: It has… It is… It looks like… It lives in… It loves eating.. (T:Children, let’s play Bingo game. Listen to me, guess, and say Bingo.)


    1. Listen to a song.(T: Children, we love animals. Animals are our friends. But they face very serious problems now. Let’s watch. )


    1. Think and match.(T: Do you know these animals ? Introduce the animals. They are in danger. Will we be able to see them 50 years later? Maybe no. Why? Because people kill them for parts of their bodies.Look, these things are made from these animals. Can you match them?)


    1. Talk about the polar bear, 提供北极熊的一些主要信息,两两对话谈论北极熊。. (T: Look , children. What’s this? It’s a polar bear. Here is some information about the polar bear. Let’s read. Teach “destroy”. Now, children, talk about the polar bear with your partner. Report. )


    1. Ask and answer. (There are three animals on the PPT. They’re a crocodile, a Chinese white dolphin and a giant panda. There is some information under the pictures. Ask the Ss to ask and answer about the three animals. Use the sentense structures: What does it look like? What colour is it? What threat does it face? Where does it live?)


    1. Choose an animal of the three, and write something about it.(T: For example, it has.. It is .. )


    1. Look and say.





    1. Listen and say Bingo.





    1. Listen and watch.




    1. Think and match.







    1. Talk.







    1. Ask and answer.









    1. Write.


      1. 通过抓鸟的游戏--复习动物单词,能够复习动物单词和抓住学生的注意力。



      1. 通过游戏Bingo,灵活地复习本单元重点句型,本活动既锻炼了学生的听力,又能使学生高度集中精神,很好地训练了学生的听力。




      1. 通过歌曲“Earth Song”突出本节课主题--挽救动物,挽救地球。学生在听了歌曲之后,挽救动物和地球的情感会被激发。


      1. 通过图片让学生直观地感受到濒临危险的动物数量减少的原因。同时连线也能检测到学生对由动物制成的产品有哪些的了解程度。





      1. 通过两两谈论北极熊的方式复习本单元句型,即锻炼了学生的口语表达能力,复习的方式也很灵活。学社只看得到关键信息,没能看到整句话,有效地训练学生的发散思维。




      1. 根据老师提供的信息让学生进行问答,问题和信息都是以短语的形式出现,有意识地训练学生完整说一句话的能力。







      1. 说完就写,有利于培养学生的总结能力和写作能力,并且通过写作梳理本单元内容。


    • Revision and consolidation (Listening and reading)


    1. Pair work. (talk about elephant)(T: Children, what’s this ? Let’s talk about elephants.Talk with your partner. You can talk like this.T sets an example. Report.)
    2. Raise the problem . (T: What happened to elephants? The hunters kill the elephants. Home and food supply are destroyed. Teach the new words—supply, destroy, hunter. Why?)


    1. Listen to the passage and try to answer the questions: Why do hunters kill the elephants? Why do people cut down the forests?


    1. Listen and read after the tape. Teach the new words first.
    2. Read the passage together.
    3. How to save the elephants? S1 answers.


    1. Talk.




    2. Learn and think.




    3.Listen and answer.





    4. Listen read and learn .

    5. Read.

    6. Answer.




    1. 听读材料是关于大象的,有一点难度,所以先让学生围绕几个问题两两对话,恰好复习本单元的知识点。


    1. 提出问题,引发遐想,大象到底发生了什么事,激发学生学习的动力,学习新单词可以降低听力的难度。


    1. 让学生带着问题听,训练了学生听力的技巧。听力训练,听力是说、读、写其他语言技能的基础,通过提问检查孩子听力训练的效果。


    1. 大象这一篇短文相比犀牛那一篇简单,让学生跟读可以训练学生语感,而且在理解了短文后阅读,降低了学生阅读的难度。
    2. 回答了How的问题,训练了学生的发散思维能力和总结能力。








    • Revision and consolidation (Listening and reading)

    1. Teach—rhinoceros and its plural form.

    2. Raise questions.(Q1. What does a rhinoceros look like? Q2. Where does it live? Q3. What does it eat? Q4. What threat does it face? Q5. How can we save the rhinoceros?T: What else do you want to know about rhinoceros? Ask Ss to ask the other questions.)

    3. Listen for the first time. Teach the new words—thick skin, handle, eyesight, replace , researcher.

    4. Listen for the second time and answer the questions.

    5. How to save rhinoceroses?


    1. Learn.

    2. Listen and ask.






    3. Listen, watch and learn.


    4. Listen and answer.


    5. Answer.


    2. 最后一个问题是一个开放性问题,让学生想想我们可以做什么挽救犀牛,学生可以发挥想象力从身边的小事做起。这个环节很好地激发了学生的发散思维能力。

    • Development (writing)

    1. Children, these animals are in danger.Because people cut down the forests and pollute the land and the water. We call it land pollution and water pollution. We only have one earth. Let’s save the earth and animals.

    2. In our daily life, we can do many tiny things to save our earth. For example, turn off the lights. Save food and so on. But sometimes the things we do are good or bad for the earth. Please tell me they are good or bad for the earth. (出示日常生活中人们会做的事情,提问学生说出good for the earth or bad for the earth)

    3. Children, what should you do to save the earth?It’s time for you to design the wishing tree. Now children, please write down your wishing tree like this. I can save the earth. I can save the animals. I should.. I shouldn’t…Don’t… If we all work together, we can still save the animals. (The Ss read out their wishing tree loud and stick it on the map. )

    Tell, write, share and stick.


    • Sum up

    Emotional education。(T:We should save the earth and the animals. Because we need animals. They are our friends. Also we need forests and ocean. Please don’t pollute them.

     Try to summarise.


    • Homework


    • 板书设计


                           Mudule 2  We can save the animals!

    It has…                                I should …                            老师自己设计的地球

    It is…                                  I shouldn’t..

    It looks like..                            Don’t….

    It lives in..

    It loves eating…

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