• Unit 7 Good memories A 前海小学 罗梦怡

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    Unit 7 Good Memories A)教学设计


    1. 概述

    本课选自深圳市基础教育英语教材编写组与朗文香港教育合编的深港版六年级教材:Book 12 Unit7 Good Memories.本课时为本单元中第一课时,主要内容为唤起学生们关于新年的一些美好回忆,让学生学会用一些基本句式去描述自己拥有过的一些回忆。本课为新授课,学生在课堂上除了听读课文资源之外,还要新学跨越式网站上提供的一些资源,通过学习,巩固课文上新学知识,拓展英语的听和说,最后能用更多的句子来描述自己的照片所展示的美好回忆。

    1. 教学目标

      1. 知识目标

        1. 学生能理解并领会新单词的意思和用法: midnight, bell, ring,

        2. 学生能够听懂并会读课文中的句子。

        3. 学生能够学会用以“when”引导的从句和过去进行时来描述自己在什么地方做过什么事情。

      2. 技能目标

        1. 学生能够通过同桌的 “pair work” 和小组合作学习的“group work”来学习分工协作的意义,享受分工合作的成果。

        2. 学生通过分享各自美好的回忆,体会分享的乐趣,学会如何和别人分享事物。

      3. 情感目标


    1. 学习者特征分析


    1. 教学重难点

    1. 教学重点

    1. 领会课文中新单词的意思:midnight, bell, ring.

    2. 理解并学会使用课文中When the bell rang 引导的过去进行时的从句。

    3. 学会使用过去进行时来描述手中的照片。


    1. 教学难点

    1)理解并学会使用课文中When the bell rang 引导的过去进行时从 句。



    1. 教学资源

    1. 课文配套光盘,学习课文内容。

    2. 单词卡片。

    3. 跨越式资源中“听”的资源。

    4. 教师自制小组合作过程中所需的书写纸。

    1. 教学策略

    1. 创设真实情景,使学生在真实情景中操练英语的听和说。

    2. 设计同桌俩俩说和小组合作学习的环节,使学生有大量机会操练口 语。

    3. 鼓励自主学习。这篇课文新单词少,难度不高,让学生在自己电脑上听读课文内容。培养他们的自学能力。

    1. 教学过程分析

    1. Warm - up and Revision

    1. watch a video of students' photos.

    2. Lead in the topic of unit 7 " Good memories".

    3. Play "memory checking". Teacher and students talk about some photos about "school bell rang".

    " ---when the school bell rang,what was he doing ? --- When the ... he was ....."

    Then pair work this question :

    When the school bell rang, what were you doing ?

    When the school bell rang, I was .....

    2. Presentation and practice

    1. Learn about the passage of part A: Memories of New Year.

    First, let students listen to the "video" on computers by themselves. The "video" is part A. The listening will help them read the passage more fluently.

    Then, ask the students to discuss the 4questions with their partners.

    Then, ask the students listen to "word on kebiao" on computers by themselves. The listening will help them understand the new phrases better.

    1. pair work:

    Pair work about " When the New Year bell rang, what were you doing? When the New Year bell rang , I was ...

    3. Extensive learning

    1ask students listen to "word 1, word 2 and reading 10" on the computers by themselves . The words are about -ing words of verbs and names of places. Students will learn to describe what were they doing at some places. It will help them know how to describe their photos in the next step.

    2share photos.

    First, teacher shows a photo of herself, asks students some questions.

    Then, some students will make some models about how to share.

    Next, students will have group work, they will share and discuss.

    At last, some groups will show their photos to the class.

    1. Homework

    Students were asked to share their interesting photos to their parents at home. The need to write about "My memories" on notebooks.

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