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    Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister









    unit 3 i’m more outgoing than my sister










    after greeting students, 1. the teacher will show a song which is called true friends and ask one question what is a friend?, then invite some volunteers to share their answers. after that, the teacher will give corresponding comments on students answers and show the topic of this lesson.

    1. the teacher will raise a question for students to think through the whole class: what is your opinion towards differences and similarities between you and your friends


    1. students will think about this question and some of them will be invited to answer this question.

    2. students will start to ponder over this questions in the process of learning the text.(self-learning/ self-thinking)

    1. the song is appealing and rhythmic, which can arouse students interest in learning this lesson. meanwhile, it can also introduce the topic naturally.

    2. the leading questions will spur students to comprehend the key point of this passage and to focus on relevant details intentionally.

    a songppt

    step 2

    pre - reading

    1. ranking

    there are 7 things or characters that a good friend may possess. teacher will create different situations and occasions as references for students to rank these merits of a friend.(situational teaching: to immerse students in possible situations and prod them into considering these qualities from the whole picture in different positions and angles) then, some students will be invited to share their opinions.

    1. argumentation

    after ranking, the teacher will ask a question :should friends be the same or different? why?


    1. students will rank these 7 characters that a good friend may have and share their answers with the whole class.


    1. some students will be invited and express their different opinions about it.


    1. through above activities, students will be prepared to read and understand the passage better.

    2. by argumentation, their critical thinking can be developed.

    3. by situational teaching, students critical thinking will be enhanced


    step 3

    extensive reading

    1. the teacher will ask the students to listen to the recording and read after the teacher once more .(narrative strategy: repetition and enhancement)

    2. the teacher will invite some students to fill the gap after reading the passage with some already provided prompts.

    (scaffolding instruction: creating scaffolds for students to conduct more difficult tasks with better performance )

    students will read the passage quickly and find the names of main characters and their friends.


    1. through fast reading with the tape and the teacher, students will have a general understanding of this passage, which will be consolidated by repetition.

    2. the prompts will function as scaffolds to assist students to achieve higher level of text comprehension.


    step 4

    intensive reading

    1. the teacher will draw a mind map to show the differences and similarities between jeff green and yuan li while expounding the key points when mapping.

    (expository method: to teach directly and systematically)

    1. the teacher will make a conclusion.


    1. students will be given some minutes to read the first part and find some specific information about jeff green and yuan li. after that, according to the mind map, students will be asked to work in pairs to make a retelling about jeff green and his friends. (pair work) one students will be invited to retell in front of the class.

    (3). students will be asked to draw a mind map about huang lei and marry smith on their own. two students will be invited to draw it in the blackboard.

    (4). according to the mind map, students will be asked to work in pairs to make a retelling about huang lei, marry and carol. three students will be invited to retell in front of the class. then, the teacher will make a conclusion.


    1. through above activities, students will know how to draw a mind map and retell a paragraph.

    2. through above activities, students will not only learn how to draw a mind map, but also improve their reading ability.

    3. they will be more willing to speak english and share their opinions in public.


    step 5

    summary and homework

    1. summary

    the teacher will show jeff, huang and marry s opinions about friends and then give the answer of the very first question about friends.

    1. illumination

    the teacher will shed light on the proper attitude and doctrine of evaluating and interacting with friends to imbue positive friend values into students.




    speaking task

    students need use at least 5 sentences to tell the differences and similarities between them and their best friends. they can share their opinions next class. comparative form can be used in their descriptions.


    1. reviewing the important knowledge in this lesson can deepen students impression and form good study habits.

    2. by illumination, students will get the hang of the most significant idea conveyed by this passage and have the initiative to embrace their friends weaknesses and emulate their achievements driven by their corresponding advantages .

    3. the homework can arouse students interest and involve the whole class. they can also learn to use comparative form to communicate with each other.












































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